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More Thoughts From Me #222: Six Switch Games I Can’t Wait to Play

Well, I never did play Journey. And now our TV is not working and so I’m playing a lot of the Nintendo Switch in portable mode. Mostly New Horizons but some Tetris 99 too. That said there are six upcoming first and third party games from May till July that I can’t wait to play on the Switch. So yes, its list time!


These are the six upcoming games from May-July that I can’t wait to play:

1. Paper Mario: The Origami King: Nintendo just announced this game and its already number one on my must play list for May-July. If it wasn’t for New Horizons, I’m sure it would be my game of the year (nothing will beat NH for me this year). New Paper Mario! I’m ready.

2. Burnout Paradise: I love the Burnout series. I’m a terrible driver, in video games and in real life, so being able to drive like a manic in a game and wreck cars is a real blast for me. And to have this game on the Switch and be able to play it in portable mode! Oh man. I need this game now. Glad I pre-ordered it.

3. Bioshock: The first game. If you’ve never played it, would you kindly get on that? Seriously. This game is a true classic. I never would’ve thought it would come to the Switch. Yes, the other two games are coming too but to me, this is the only one of them thats needed. What an amazing game.

4. The Outer Worlds: Ever since I saw previews of this game, I’ve wanted to play it. I’ve held off playing the PS4 version because I want to experience this game on the Nintendo Switch. I hope its a great port. I hope this game is as cool as it looks. I really want to play this one.

5. Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition: I liked this game on Wii but the Switch version looks even better, with enhanced graphics, new costumes, and of course the new story Future Connected! This will absolutely be the definitive edition of this story.

6. Clubhouse Games: 51 games! Clubhouse Games will have everything from card games to connect four to fishing and more. This looks like a really good collection of games. Plus it’ll have online multiplayer on some games!

And those are the games I’m looking forward to in May-July…so far! I’m sure there will be some surprise indie games that’ll be worth checking out too.

What are you looking forward to this Spring-Summer? Let us know.

Next week: The Holidays in New Horizons are…not very good. I’ll talk about the holidays so far and why I feel like they are just not working out and what I hope to see in the future from the title.

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Is it July yet?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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