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Skull and Bones Review

Skull and Bones

Release: February 16, 2024
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft
Genre: Action, Adventure, Genres, PS5 Reviews, PS5-Categories, Survival, Video, XBox One Categories, XBox One Reviews, Xbox Series X Categories, Xbox Series X Reviews
PEGI: 18


Worth a Play About Rating
7.0 - Gameplay
7.0 - Video
7.5 - Audio

Skull and Bones is an open world pirate game that recently came to the Xbox Series. Is it worth checking out? Here is our review!

Skull and Bones is an open-world action/adventure pirate game. The game begins with the player controlling a full fledged pirate ship. After a brief fight, the player has lost their ship. You create your character and then have to make your way to a port of call to rebuild your rep as a pirate. Thats the game’s story. After that setup, you are just set loose into the world of Skull and Bones. The game focuses on its gameplay from there. Its not a bad setup, but the game itself could have been better.


While Skull and Bones isn’t a horrible game, it isn’t what it should be either. Sailing in a large or small boat is so very slow. If you hated Wind Waker’s sailing than you should stay away from this game. And losing your big pirate ship puts you into a small ship with barely any weapons aside from a spear. You will constantly have to deal with sharks and other water hazards as you slowly make your way around the open sea. Its not always obvious where you have to go next.

Skull and Bones is always online too, so that means when you pause the game to look at your map or the menus, the game keeps going. This is bad when you’re sailing around because this means you are not controlling the ship and can hit into things easily. The world of Skull and Bones is so very big and its easy to lose your way in it. It can be fun to explore though, since there’s a lot find in the world.

The controls for the boat are a bit rough, the ships always seem to lean to the side a bit much. The walking around controls are definitely better. Skull and Bones isn’t a bad game. Its a good game. It could’ve been so much better though. Even the graphics are a mixed bag.


On land, Skull and Bones has a nice graphics. Its good and detailed but not as good as other Ubisoft games. At sea, the game doesn’t look as nice or detailed. This is not a bad looking game but it doesn’t feel as well polished as many other Ubisoft games. It does have really good voice acting, sound effects, and music though.

Overall, Skull and Bones seems to lack the polish of the Assassin’s Creed games, Immortals Fenyx Rising, and other great Ubisoft games. The gameplay is frustrating, especially in the beginning. Skull and Bones is still a good game if you’re patient and especially if you are a pirate fan.

A digital code was provided for this review. Skull and Bones is available on the Xbox Series S/X now.



Article By

blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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