Most of the news around coronavirus has been painfully negative. There has been one small glow of hope: the backlog has taken a bashing. Sunny afternoons with soft drinks, ice cream, a cool breeze and an afternoon playing a favourite game felt like a thing of the past, but 2020 has offered it in spades. I can only talk for myself – I’d still need another six or seven years of this to make a dent – but overall that…
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The Console Pricing Cold War is Killing Hype
Clint Eastwood walks out into the street, his whiskey-faced opponent staring him down from what seems like a mile away. The sun burns, but it’s not the heat that’s making them both sweat. Soon one of them could be dead. They stare at each other. And stare. Then there’s some more staring. Thirty minutes later, no shot fired, and everybody in the cinema has gone home. No film director would ever make such a mistake, but apparently major console manufacturers…
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More Thoughts From Me #232: What’s Important
I was going to write about Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2 but this year and the larger issues with a splash of video game thoughts. I think we all lose sight of the big picture sometimes, then life hits us on the head and reminds us. This could perhaps be my last column or perhaps not. My future is uncertain at the moment. My life is a mess. I won’t go into details but things have gone downhill for…
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Fake News has Become the Main Weapon of the Console Wars
Did you hear? Microsoft don’t see Sony as a competitor anymore. They don’t believe in generations. Hell, they don’t even care how many Series X consoles they sell. None of that is true, by the way, but don’t let that get in the way of a good dig at Xbox. It’s easier to pretend your most hated piece of plastic is a mess when you choose to follow carefully selected pieces of propaganda instead of, I don’t know, reading the…
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