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Xbox Series X Categories


Xbox Series X Review – The Power of Dreams

We didn’t review the Xbox One seven years ago. We didn’t get a preview unit and nobody on staff at the time was interested enough to pick it up day one. Man, what a difference seven years makes, because the Xbox Series X is a triumph. Check out our One Dislike, Three Likes article about the Xbox Series X! This console has been built by gamers for gamers, and it comes through in every interaction you have with it. From…

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Had a New Xbox for Christmas? Hints and tips for new Series owners

You unwrapped the packaging and saw this awesome monolith within. Like 2001: A Space Odyssey, you and your family danced around it, screeching to high heaven. No? Just at mine then? Still – you got that Xbox you wanted, and that’s pretty cool too. Maybe you got the black tower-like Series X, or maybe you received the adorable Series S. Either way, you got it set up (you used the mobile app to do your settings while you waited for…

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More Thoughts From Me #252: Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! This time I share my thoughts about this year in video games and just how lucky video game fans were compared to, oh say movie fans or tv show fans. Time to reflect and hug your video games or you know, thank a video game developer. Well, we made it to the holidays. Its been a bad year. I think most of us can agree that 2020 sucked and we never want to see it again.…

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John Wick Hex Review

John Wick Hex really clicked for me when, after clearing a level, I watched it back “in real-time,” versus the time-based strategic puzzle-combat gameplay. Watching the titular hero make his way through a street, punching, rolling, kicking, and shooting adversaries in under 10 seconds is a lot of fun. Of course, 10 seconds in “real-time” translates to about 5 minutes of gameplay, as the player tries to orchestrate all of Wick’s maneuvers.   The game — developed by bithell games…

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Walmart to Employ New Bot Detection Software for Console Drops

I am confident I'm not alone in my struggle to find any of the newly released consoles. Luckily, Walmart is beginning to acknowledge the issue of bots and has updated its security software accordingly.

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Five franchises which NEED a Soulsborne Game

If there’s one thing the Soulsborne games have been missing all these years, it’s hoards of Wookies. Or childlike Hobbits you can set fire to. Or White Walkers. It turns out that the Soulsborne formula is pretty adaptable, especially within the fantasy genre. And, having just finished Jedi: Fallen Order, it’s something I’d like to see adapted even more. Demon’s Souls gave me a new appreciation for the genre, and for the difficulty and perseverance that came with it. Now…

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Call of the Sea Review

Puzzles! Romance! Adventure! If Call of the Sea was a story from the 1930s, its advertising would speak entirely in exclamation points – and it’d almost live up to them. It’s filled with brainteasers designed to fairly but frequently trip you up, all on one of the most beautiful islands in gaming. It boasts next-gen features like raytracing, but doesn’t feel the need to overdo them or stray into the dangerous territory of gimmicky. The story is as deep or…

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Too Excited for ARK 2 on Xbox Series X (Console Exclusive)

I haven been an Xbox gamer my entire life, and looking back on my yearly stats, one game stands out amongst so many others as my most played - and it’s not even close! It’s not Fortnite or Call of Duty, and it isn’t an epic single player experience that I return to year after year. It’s ARK: Survival Evolved, and I’m so damn happy to see a sequel!

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After a Bad Year for Gaming Events, The Game Awards Delivered

Blame coronavirus, undue hype or whatever – this year hasn’t been good for gaming events. There’s been plenty to be excited about, but very little that tipped into real surprise territory. Completely expected sequels, promises upon promises and not much else. That’s 2020 in a nutshell. So imagine my surprise when, just a few weeks before this awful year is finally over, a gaming event actually delivers. The stops were pulled out. Not everybody is thrilled. They were expecting Elden…

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Wild Game Awards Predictions

Its that time again: The Game Awards will air tonight! Whether you watch it on YouTube or twitch or twitter, you should check out this show. You just never know what will be revealed during the Game Awards. And really, isn’t that what we care about? Not the Awards, no never that, but the announcements! The trailers! So what will we see tonight? Here are my wild, never will these happen predictions. Real Talk: Its 2020. If we get one…

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