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WiiU News


Pokken Tournament Coming to Wii U Spring 2016

Bandai Namco and the Pokemon Company teamed up a while back to launch Pokken Tournament into arcades. While most people figured it would come to console at some point, I think the majority had it pegged as a launch title for the Nintendo NX next year. Apparently this will not be the case. Today, Pokken Tournament was announced for Wii U with a Spring 2016 launch date.

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New Splatoon Content Worth It

If you've moved on from Splatoon it is time to go back. The August update added tons of new content to the game, but most importantly, the level cap was raised from 20 to 50. Overall, for free DLC, there really is not anything to dislike in this latest update.

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Quiet Summer equals Big Fall? Nintendo Fans Hope So

Outside of Splatoon updates, Nintendo has done very little these past few months. Most people would come to the conclusion that their E3 press conference left a lot to be desired, and very little in way of new titles this summer has made few people forget that. Nintendo has had a disappointing Summer 2015, but this could mean bigger and better things this fall.

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Big Splatoon Update on Wii U

Nintendo has been doing an excellent job providing updates for their most popular games. Outside of a few pricey additions to Super Smash Bros, they have done a better job than Sony or Microsoft in providing new game play for their fans at fair prices. Like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros, Nintendo has been updating Splatoon with lots of new content.

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Will Assassin’s Creed Fatigue Happen?

Assassin's Creed is undoubtedly one of the larger franchises in current video games, and can boast being one of the best AND one of the worst franchises to date. Most people were on board for Assassin's Creed when it first launched, and many praised it for the unique gameplay. Collecting flags - at least at that point - was a minor annoyance at best. Assassin's Creed was heralded by many as the next big thing.

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Nintendo Summer Event: Mario Maker

When Nintendo does their post E3 event in Toronto, I always look forward to playing the big games that will be coming to market. Usually, the biggest games peak my interest early, but Mario Maker was something I needed to play to really appreciate.

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Will Nintendo Turn Another Corner?

The death of Satoru Iwata shocked the video game world. He was an innovator, and rarely ever settled for the norm. After Iwata became president of Nintendo in 2002, he brought about a new era of Nintendo devices. He experimented successfully with motion controlled games via the Wii, and brought a 2 screen handheld to market with outstanding results.

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Nintendo of Canada Summer Event

Nintendo of Canada is once again hosting their post E3 Canadian showcase event today in Toronto. We will have hands on with many of the upcoming titles on Wii U and 3DS.

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Satoru Iwata Passes Much too Young

Very few individuals have their named stamped on the video game industry; Iwata is one of the few. He was known by almost everyone, whether they owned a Nintendo system or not. While many questioned the direction he was taking Nintendo since the announcement of the WII U, it is still hard to argue that he was not a major innovative player in the video games industry.

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Although Nintendo is quiet at Retail, Summer fun is here!

Although Nintendo has been pretty quiet at retail, they want to remind consumers that there is still plenty going on in the Nintendo Universe. Below is an update from Nintendo - provided by their PR company - on a few of the things happening this summer!

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