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WiiU News


The Final Smash Bros Wii U/3DS DLC Is Coming Soon

Do you like Smash Bros for the Wii U and 3DS? Then, you’ll want to keep an eye out for February 3rd. The final Smash DLC is on its way!   On February 3rd, Bayonetta, Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates, and more will be coming to Super Smash Bros for 3DS and Wii U as paid dlc. This will be the final downloadable content for the game! Here are Nintendo’s tweets about the DLC: Bayonetta and Corrin come to #SmashBros…

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Revisiting Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

When Final Fantasy Tactics Advance came out on the Gameboy Advance, I didn’t play it much. My father was a huge fan of the game; he played the game over 200 hours! I loved the original PS1 game, but I just never could get into Advance. And then I got the game on the Wii U and I’m now I’m hooked! Why do I like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance so much? Let me tell you! Square Enix put Final Fantasy…

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More Thoughts From Me #3: A Mighty Disappointment

Mighty No. 9 is a much talked about Indie game thats coming out...sooner or later. Honestly, I don't care when its coming out. I think the game looks like a generic Mega Man game. So why am I writing about the game? Well, I have to have my say too! This is the internet!

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Nintendo Minute Shows Off Footage From Twilight Princess HD

Nintendo has just released a new Nintendo Minute featuring footage from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. Kit and Krysta, the hosts of Nintendo Minute, also show off the Wolf amiibo that comes with the game. Check out the footage below and let us know what you think of Twilight Princess HD in the comments!

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More Thoughts From Me #2: Every Video Game Needs A Story

Every single game needs a story. I’m not saying that every video games has a story as it is obvious that not all of them do. What I’m saying is that every video needs a story and should have it. Let’s take a look at a few examples, shall we? Shooter? Give it a story. Otherwise, its just your typical space shooter. Life sim? Look at Animal Crossing. You move to a small town full of animals and have to…

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Creating With “Bricks”: A Look At Discovery For the Wii U

A wonderful site called WiiWareWave had a contest on twitter to win a Wii U indie game called Discovery. Discovery is yet another brick creation game in the vain of Minecraft. I had already played two other block creation games (Cube Life for Wii U and The Magic Hammer for 3DS) and thought they were just ok. And yet, I keep wanting to like this genre. I love creating things. So, I entered the contest to win Discovery and, of course, I won. After a couple of days with the game, I decided it was time to talk about it. Is Discovery any good?

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Using amiibo to Unlock Dungeon in Twilight Princess HD OK?

I don't think anyone was surprised that Nintendo announced Twilight Princess HD, and because of that, people also shouldn't be surprised that a Wii U - possibly NX? - title would have amiibo compatibility. Unlike other games that add minor things to the game - except perhaps Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam - it seems like amiibo in Twilight Princess HD will actually add more than just a costume. It appears as if this announcement has led to Internet outrage.

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Opinionated Logan: Animal Crossing amiibo Festival

If reviews from popular gaming websites are to be believed, Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival is at best a rarely fun experience, but generally a snooze fest, legitimately. Some reviewers said they fell asleep playing this. We picked up the title over Christmas, and sure, some of what these reviews are saying is legitimate. However - and I have spoken about this in the past - it shows a disconnect between hardcore Nintendo fans and the casual audience Nintendo continues to cater too. My son Logan falls into that second category.

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More Thoughts From Me #1: An Introduction

I know you have questions. You’re probably thinking: there were other thoughts from you? And, wait, just who the heck are you? My name is Daniel Fugate. I’m a writer, reviewer, and blogger. As a blogger, I’ve written my More Thoughts From Me column for awhile now. Never heard of it? I’m not surprised! My readership at that blog is…pretty low… But, you know, its nice to have a reader that believes in you. Games Review’s Adam Roffel said he…

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Xbox Games Come and Go, but Nintendo Stays

The last few years have not been the greatest for Nintendo. The 3DS - while still popular - never found the success the original DS had, and the same can be said about the Wii U - more drastically - when compared to the Wii. Fans and haters will sit around for the first half of 2016 waiting on Nintendo NX news. One party getting ready for the hype, and the other looking for reasons to hate. If I am speaking honestly, the Wii U is my least favorite Nintendo console, but has some of my favorite Nintendo games. In my house, Nintendo games stay, while other ...

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