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WiiU News


Mini Mario and Friends Early Access

Nintendo has only teased a few details about Mini Mario and Friends, but from what we have seen, it looks intriguing for a free-to-play title. Right now, Nintendo is allowing players to have early access to the game with the purchase of a qualifying amiibo at various retailers, including GameStop, Amazon, and Best Buy. It really is a win-win for Nintendo. Numerous non-amiibo owners will justify the cost of a 9.99 amiibo if it means early access to Nintendo latest 'idea.'

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More Thoughts From Me #13: Where Are the Real Nintendo Fans?

Every time Nintendo does a new Nintendo Direct, has an E3 event, or announces something new, the whiners come out to play. The loudest voice in the Nintendo community for the past several years (perhaps longer) has been the whiners. These are the people that seem to hate almost everything Nintendo does! Where have all the real Nintendo fans gone? Why don’t these people speak up? Nintendo is not perfect. They make mistakes and they could do better on some…

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Is this My Nintendo?: A Look At Nintendo’s New Reward System

Nintendo’s new fan appreciation service, My Nintendo, started today. I was already signed up for the service and decided to go to take a look at what it had to offer. Here are my first impressions of My Nintendo!       Nintendo has always wanted to reward its fan somehow. For a long while, their reward system was Club Nintendo. That service is dead now and its replacement started today. My Nintendo is very different from Club Nintendo. The…

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More Thoughts From Me #12: Staying Earthbound

Earthbound is one of my favorite Super Nintendo rpgs, if not my favorite of all time. I liked the game back when I wasn’t a fan of role playing games. I’ve bought Earthbound three times now: SNES, Wii U, and New 3DS. Why do I keep coming back to this game? I didn’t like any of the NES or SNES Final Fantasy games the first time I played them. What can I say? I was young and foolish. I did,…

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Formula Changing for LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens

Travelers Tales has been making LEGO games for a very long time now, and although they have their peaks and valleys, we all know that generally, they make a really solid, family friendly game. The fact that they are going to mess with the original formula for The Force Awakens game is surprising, but yet expected. In an email from Warner Bros. today, we got a first hand look at what might be coming in the next LEGO game, slated to launch this summer.

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What’s New in Hyrule Warriors Legends

We all know that the number one question that will be asked when Hyrule Warriors Legends launches this week is, "Should I buy this game again if I already own it on Wii U?" Well, if you have read our review, you will see that our answer to that question is yes. But, don't just take it form me.

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More Thoughts From Me #11: Thank you Nindies!

I’ve reviewed a lot of Indie games in my short time as a reviewer so far. Some are great, some good, just ok, and some are really awful. But the Wii U needs every single Indie it can get! Why are Indies important to the Wii U? Let me tell you about it.   When the Wii U first came out, there were not a lot of games for it, but there were some third party developers supporting the system.…

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Two Heads Are Better Than One In Pokken Tournament For Wii U

One of the things I like best about fighting games are the multiplayer modes. I especially enjoy local two-player games because both of my parents are video games fans and both of them enjoy fighting with me! Pokken Tournament, thankfully, has an two-player mode that is a lot of fun. I’ll tell you a little bit about it. My mom likes Pokemon. I don’t think she’d ever be a fan of the rpg Pokemon games, but she likes the free…

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You Might Want to Practice Your Pokken Skills

After watching the opening movie, I decided that I might want to find out how the game controlled. So, I want to the practice mode! I’ll tell you about that mode and how yesterday I went back and practiced even more. Time to talk about Pokken Tournament! I’m not a big fighting game fan. I loved Super Smash Bros and Tekken, but usually I’m playing an rpg or a sim. So for me, it was important to have a handle…

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Pokken Tournament Will Catch Your Attention Right Away

I’ve never reviewed a big Nintendo game before. When I was asked me to review Pokken Tournament, I got really excited. A review copy of a Nintendo game?! Wow. And its a Pokemon fighting game that looks really good too. Now, I’m not a Pokemon fan, but I thought Pokken looked cool. Today, I want to tell you about my very first reaction to Pokken. This is how I felt when I saw the game’s opening movie! When I first…

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