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71004 Large Tractor Playmobil Review

Throughout the renovations happening in my house, the one constant for my 3 year old son Lincoln has been the opportunity to review Playmobil sets! Today, we are taking a look at the Large Tractor set, number 71004. The large tractor is, well, large! It comes with two bails of hay, a number of tractor attachments, and a character to play with. We have other tractors that we purchased on our own a few years ago, so how does this one hold up against those? Let's take a look!

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Playmobil Dino Rise Triceratops: Battle for The Legendary Stones Review

I’m fairly positive there is a lengthy backstory to the Dino Rise Playmobil series, but I’d be lying to you if I told you I knew what it was. Because I don’t. However, with a name like, “Battle for the Legendary Stones,” you know it’s going to be something good. While we had no context for what this storyline might be, we did what we do best when we have a lot of Playmobil at our disposal! We improvise and…

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Duck on Call: Fire Rescue Action: Cat Rescue Playmobil Review

Smaller Playmobil sets are a real joy to review. They are so affordable and easy to recommend, plus they make great additions to existing Playmobil sets, if you have something that fits the theme. Thankfully we did, and were able to pair the Duck on Call: Fire Rescue Action: Cat Rescue with some of our other Playmobil city sets. But is there enough here to justify the $26.99 CAD price point? Let’s take a look! Included Pieces: 1 Freddy Fire,…

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Will the Baryonyx Escape? LEGO Jurassic World Review

Our coverage of LEGO Jurassic World continues with another fantastic set from the fine folks at The LEGO Group International. The last set we looked at was an impressive, shareable set that includes three minifigures and a large Carnotaurus. This one is equally as impressive, and even includes the first official floatable boat in the series! Let’s take a look at the Baryonyx Dinosaur Boat Escape!

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LEGO Jurassic World Carnotaurus Chase Review

With the release of the final Jurassic World film, dinosaurs have been given yet another boost. Toys are being released, board games are coming out, and there is lots to be excited about if you are a lover of the giant beasts. Our friends at the LEGO Group International were kind enough to send over a few sets for us to review, and first up is the Carnotaurus Chase. Let's take a look!

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LEGO Medieval Blacksmith Review

It is not often that we look at one of the LEGO Ideas sets here on GamesReviews, but LEGO was nice enough to track down the Medieval Blacksmith set for us to review, and although it took a bit of time to find and get it here, it was well worth the wait. This large and detailed set from LEGO brings me back to the days of playing with my castle LEGO sets, complete with knights, peasants, and more. But with the hefty price tag, is this set worth it? Let's dive in!

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