Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is coming to the Nintendo Switch on December 1st. It really does look like it’ll be the biggest and best jrpg to come to any system this year. Nintendo has released a commercial for the game! We have that below, plus some thoughts from me about Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I’ve been watching a lot of preview footage for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 lately. The game looks so very good! I did enjoy the other Xenoblade games, however Xenoblade…
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Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 – Nintendo Switch Features Trailer
I played Resident Evil Revelations on the Wii U and liked it a lot. It was a lot like classic Resident Evil, expect with a better in-game camera! I never got to play Resident Evil Revelations 2 because that game never came to the Wii U. And now Capcom is bringing both games to the Nintendo Switch. Check out the brand new Nintendo Switch Features trailer for Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 and then please come back for my…
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Will L.A. Noire Crack the Nintendo Switch Case This Tuesday?
L.A. Noire is coming out for the Nintendo Switch this Tuesday (11/14). Will the game be a good addition to the Switch’s library? Check out L.A. Noire’s launch trailer below and my impressions too! I’ve never played L.A. Noire. I don’t know how the game was on previous systems, but I do know that the Switch version of the game looks really good. I only have this new launch trailer to go by but I’m loving the look of L.A.…
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Acorn Tactics Will Bring Turn-based Strategy Goodness to the Nintendo Switch eShop
Acorn Tactics has been on my radar ever since it was announced. For one, I really like the developer who is handling the game. I thought his game Factotum was really good on the Wii U. And secondly, I love turn-based strategy games. Acorn Tactics is looking like a good one! Check out the trailer below and then please come back for my impressions of it. Acorn Tactics looks like it’ll be a very good addition to the Nintendo Switch…
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The Nintendo Switch Will Be Doomed Tomorrow
The title to this article may be a little misleading. No, this isn’t a Nintendoom article. I’m not about to tell you that the Switch is doomed. Instead, I’m here to talk about Doom for the Nintendo Switch. I received a review copy of Doom for the Switch on Tuesday. I’ve been playing since then and here are my impressions so far of the game! I only own a Wii U, a 3DS, and a Switch and so Doom for…
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More Thoughts From Me #93: Mario’s Best Game Yet
Super Mario Odyssey is out now and if you have Switch and you are not playing it, what the heck is wrong with you?! Seriously! You are missing out on the best Nintendo Switch game and the best Mario game yet! I never thought Nintendo would be able to make a better Mario game than Super Mario Maker, but they have really done it with Super Mario Odyssey. I barely think about Super Mario Maker anymore. Build my own 2D…
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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Direct 11.7.2017
There was a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch) Direct today. We have the full Direct below, plus my impressions of it! I was very impressed by todays Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo Direct. I did think that the new Xenoblade looked good previously but todays Direct made me a true believer. Everything from the hints of the game’s story to the battle system and beyond looks fantastic! While we don’t know too much about Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s story, todays Direct did…
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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo Direct on Tuesday (11/7)
Nintendo will have a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch) Direct on Tuesday. Check out the picture below for details and please read my thoughts on the Nintendo Direct. The Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Direct will start at 6 a.m. PT, which is 9 am eastern/8 am central. We already know a lot about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for Nintendo Switch, so I’m not sure what new information Tuesday’s Nintendo Direct will give us. New characters? New locations? New plot points? We’ll just…
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Nintendo in Canada Going Strong
Nintendo's numbers world wide in 2017 have been phenomenal, thanks to continually strong sales from the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, but also because of the huge success of Nintendo's latest console, the Switch. It should be no surprise that the Nintendo Switch is doing well in the market right now, at least not if you look at what has been released to date. Big, AAA titles are hitting the system at a pace of once per month, and third party support seems to be present for the time being. Here are a few highlights from the numbers, as they impact Canada, ...
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Across the Morphite Universe
You land on a planet in a pod, take out your scanner and innocently analyze plants, wild life, and other stuff. Then some random creature sees you and decides to attack. Do you take out your pistol and waste ammo on this random creature or do you try to run away? You could also just scan the creature and let it maul you to death while you do so. Its your choice. Welcome to the Morphite universe. You’ll explore it,…
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