How do you review Overwatch 2? Honestly, I’ve been wondering ever since I downloaded it. Is it fair to give a high score to a sequel that isn’t in any way a sequel, but just the same game in disguise? Is it fair to mark up excellent gameplay when the free-to-play system beneath it feels so dirty? More than that – this isn’t my first visit to Overwatch. I have a few hundred hours into it, and there are benefits…
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PGA 2K23 Review
As I sit down to write this review, I think about my history with Golf. My Dad was an avid golfer, my Godfather was an avid golfer, my Great-Grandfather was a life-long golfer. Me? Well, I’ve driven the golf cart, and I do enjoy the occasional round of mini-golf or an hour at the driving range…does that count? No, I am not a golfer, being surrounded by the sport growing up I actually showed no interest in playing it, always…
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VR Is Becoming a Luxury – It Shouldn’t Be
VR was going to be the next big thing, but it has never happened. Cost became prohibitive, “must-have” software is limited. And with the announcement of the Meta Quest Pro, it seems the best is becoming increasingly out of reach. This is not good. This tech isn’t cheap, and the Quest Pro is not aimed at your average gamer. But it’s not a good look for an area of the industry that has been on the edge of greatness for…
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FIFA 23 Ultimate Team Overview
It’s another year and that means another FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT) is ready to be put together. All that card collecting you loved to do as a kid now has a purpose, as you open packs of virtual cards to attempt and create the best FUT team possible. I’ve been at the game for about two weeks now, and have immensely enjoyed my time with FUT. What’s changed? Let’s take a look! The biggest change you will see this year…
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What’s Going On With Overwatch 2?
New free-to-play games must put their best foot forward to compete with the big boys. Overwatch 2 is simply not doing that. A good friend of mine is a huge Blizzard fan, but had managed to miss Overwatch. He is exactly the target audience for a free-to-play re-release. Remove the barrier of entry and he had downloaded it within minutes. And yet his experience so far has been so poor as to put him off completely. When he is in…
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Play The Last of Us to Get Excited About the Upcoming Show
When it was announced that a show was being created around The Last of Us, I was less than excited. In fact, I was completely indifferent. I thought it was just because I wasn't interested in the subject matter, but I also had to be honest with myself - I didn't know what hte subject matter was, because I had never played the game. When PlayStation Canada sent over a copy of the game for me to stream on my YouTube channel, my desire to watch went from non-existent to overwhelmingly excited. Is this plaguing you as well?
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RIP Stadia – We Hardly Knew Ye
Stadia is dead. Google will refund the cost of hardware, games and DLC, and by January 18th the service will be completely wound down. I know what you’re thinking: wasn’t it already closed down? And that is the tragedy of Stadia. Because it wasn’t a bad idea. Like OnLive wasn’t a bad idea, or PlayStation Now. But they held such a strange position in the industry that they would never be able to find success. Why play something via the…
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I Never Played The Last of Us – Then I Did
I've never been a huge Sony PlayStation fan. If you know me, you've known that fact for a long time. I was a Nintendo kid growing up, switched over to the Xbox during my formative teen years, and swung hard back to the Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo Switch after I got married and had kids. So many PlayStation franchises were lost on me, but having the PlayStation 5 in my house has been amazing. Why? I get to experience some of the best single player experiences available on console - one of those titles - The Last of Us - was one I never touched. Until last week.
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What’s New With the Activision Purchase?
Nine months ago Microsoft announced it was purchasing Activision. Here we are, in September, and things seem hardly any closer. There’s plenty of drama, and not much else it seems. So just what’s happening with this acquisition, and are we any closer to understanding what it means? There’s no doubt about it that plenty of work will be going on behind the scenes, and we’re getting the occasional snippet of that work too. But now the acquisition has hit a…
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Yakuza Deserves Its Mainstream Moment
In the last 24 hours, SEGA has announced three new Yakuza games. And anybody who has ever played a Yakuza game will tell you that this is fantastic news – and that it deserves to be more. The franchise, now seemingly switching to its original title of Like a Dragon in the west, has been a very long-running franchise, but until remakes starting coming out and the franchise hit Game Pass I’m not sure it was hitting the audience it…
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