The Last Guardian is suppose to launch on PS4 sometime in 2016 and was not suppose to take this long, at least not according to game director Fumito Ueda. In a developer diary video with IGN, Ueda goes into depth on the creation of The Last Guardian, transitioning development to PS4, and meeting the 2016 release deadline. Here is more from Ueda from that IGN interview, “We weren’t always in active development so it’s really difficult to provide an accurate…
Read MorePS4 News
Toki Toki 2+ Is Coming Soon to Playstation 4 Retail in the United States
Toki Toki 2+, previously an indie download only game, is going to have a Playstation 4 retail version in the United States. Check out the full details below, plus my thoughts on the Wii U version of the game. Toki Toki 2+ will be coming to retail stores for Playstation 4 on June 7th in the United States. A dutch publisher named SOEDESCO is bringing the game to the system. Developer Two Tribes created Toki Tori 2+ Here is how…
Read MoreGeek Fuel May 2016 Unboxing and Review
We are back with another subscription box unboxing video, and this time it is Geek Fuel's May 2016 box with items from Deadpool, Game of Thrones (unfortunately not in mine!), Uncharted, and more! This was our first time looking at a Geek Fuel box and apparently we got set up just in time to get what might be the best subscription box from start to finish that I have ever seen. Thanks to Mike over at Geek Fuel for hooking us up with this box to review. Our full written review is below the video!
Read More1 Up Box May 2016 RPG Unboxing and Review
We just recently got our first 1 Up Box in the mail, and of course, we had to unbox it and review the contents. For it being the first box I got from this company, I have to say the bar is set fairly high. Check out the video directly below here and the full review with pictures will follow. Thanks again to 1 Up Box for sending this over. If you want to order your own 1 Up Box, just head to and get the subscription length that you want!
Read MoreFallout 4 Far Harbor DLC
Bethesda games almost always have varied DLC. Small packs - horse armor anyone - to large expansions, this company really does understand how to add value and extend game play experiences. Just like they did with the Shivering Isles expansion for Oblivion, Bethesda has released a similarly large DLC offering for Fallout 4. What did we think of the Far Harbor DLC? Read on to find out.
Read MoreSteelSeries Siberia 650 Headset Unboxing
We have yet another SteelSeries product to review here at and I'm really excited about this one. The Siberia 650 is the updated version of the SteelSeries Elite Prism headset which I raved about in this review. The new branding and slight changes to the 650 finally brings the Elite Prism design and feel to the Siberia line-up.
Read MoreRPG Anima: Gate of Memories due in June
The Japanese RPG genre has been dominated by a few major titles, but that hasn't stopped others from stepping in and trying to get a piece of the pie. My personal favorite JRPG titles are those that involve live-action battle sequences over turn based. For that reason, I've always been a HUGE fan of the Tales of franchise, and generally, those titles are my go-to JRPG of choice. When I was informed of Anima: Gate of Memories I was pretty excited.
Read MoreSlight Delay in SteamWorld Heist on PS4
Image and Form in Sweden sent out a short press release regarding the upcoming PS4 release of SteamWorld Heist. According to the company, the original launch date for the PS4 version of Heist will be delayed for about a week, meaning it will launch on June 7th in North America and June 8th in Australia and Europe.
Read MoreShadow of the Beast an Intriguing Experience
I've used the word intriguing to describe Shadow of the Beast, but I'm not sure that is a positive thing. Everything about this imagining of the 1992 (1989? - I've seen varying dates) title is wonderful.
Read MoreMinecraft’s Battle Mini Game Is Coming to Consoles In June
Minecraft developer Mojang announced today that a new mini-game called Battle would be coming to the console versions of Minecraft in June! We have the full details on this new mini-game below. Battle, an upcoming mini-game for Minecraft, will be coming in June for consoles (including the Wii U). According to the press release for the mini-game, Battle is “free competitive multiplayer content that comes with three maps.” There will be additional maps that you can buy for $2.99 each.…
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