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Middle-earth: Shadow of War Mystic Tribe Trailer

Check out a new trailer for Middle-earth: Shadow of War and new information about the Mystic Tribe below! According to a PR e-mail we received, “the Mystic tribe” are “a faction of Orcs who specialize in dark magic, rituals and incantations that date back thousands of years.” “In Shadow of War, Orcs now belong to tribes, which extend their influence stemming from the Overlords ruling the mighty fortresses throughout the open world, providing a rich ecosystem of missions, exploration and…

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LEGO Dimensions Beetlejuice Fun Pack Review

Tonight, my son and I cracked into the Beetlejuice Fun Pack for LEGO Dimensions thanks to my good friends at Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment in Canada. While the physical LEGO build itself isn't one of the best to come out of the LEGO Dimensions lineup, the gameplay more than makes up for it. Overall, the Fun Pack comes highly recommended from us here at GamesReviews!

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“Eat it Jerry” Live Action Trailer for Shadow of War

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment knows they have a mega hit on their hands with Middle Earth: Shadow of War, the sequel to the well received Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor title which was released a few years ago. The PR for this game has been incredible, with new trailers being released multiple times a week, on an almost weekly basis. How can we possibly hype this game up even more? With another live action trailer, that is how! Check it out below:

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Assassins Creed Origins: New Combat

One of the defining features of the newest Assassin's Creed game is an all new combat system which takes into consideration your level v. the enemies level, and your equipment v. your opponents equipment. Gone are the days of wait, party, attack as you move through one enemy after the next. Now, it's a free for all that you better be prepared for!

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LEGO Dimensions Adds Five Expansion Packs Today

LEGO Dimensions added five expansion packs today! We have a new trailer and information about the packs below. Five expansion packs came out today for LEGO Dimensions. Beetlejuice, Teen Titans Go!, and the Powerpuff Girls were added to the game! Check out this rundown of the packs via a PR e-mail we received: “Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announced today the release of five, highly collectable expansion packs for LEGO Dimensions, the LEGO toy and videogame hybrid. Team and Fun Packs…

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Middle-earth: Shadow of War Feral Tribe Trailer

Interested in another look at the upcoming Middle-earth: Shadow of War game? You’re in luck! Today, we have a new trailer for the game and some details about the Feral tribe. According to a PR e-mail we received, “the Feral tribe, a faction of Orcs who revere the fearsome beasts of Mordor, feeding on the strength of these vicious creatures as inspiration for their own acts of savagery. ” “In Shadow of War, Orcs now belong to tribes, which extend…

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One Piece Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition Review

For the uninitiated, One Piece Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition is an HD port with DLC based on the PS3 classic title released a number of years ago. The game has also been previously available on the Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo WiiU. For those who have played through this title in the past, it is much the same, aside from a few graphical changes and a bunch of quests added in. With so many great PS4 titles on the horizon, it's hard to say this is a must play, but for those who have never had the pleasure, I highly recommend it!

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Assassins Creed Origins: A Living World

The team at Ubisoft Montreal behind the newest Assassin's Creed title have been hard at work putting together the world of Egypt. Ever since the release of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag over four years ago, this specific team have putting the world of Egypt through its paces, and creating new systems that are unique to this franchise. Assassin's Creed Origins is the perfect installment after a year hiatus, and we are detailing why with an article every day about the game between 9/11 - 9/15!

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Last Day of June Review

About a week head of launch, 505 games sent out a press swag bag to promote the launch of Last Day of June. Knowing this was the same team that published Portal Knights - a game I really loved - I jumped at the opportunity to get a hold of their next published game. When the care package arrived at the door, it included three items: a short note written on a card from 505 Games, a pair of glasses that matched the ones Carl wears in the game, and a box of tissues. The second I saw the tissues, I knew that, in their eyes at least, 505 Games saw Last Day of ...

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Knack 2 Review

If you've had the pleasure of playing the original Knack title, you'll remember it was a charming, underrated experience that was mired by mediocre scores from media, but generally favorable scores from actual players. Well, it's 2017 and Knack is back for a second adventure. While not a ton has changed between these two titles, a few years has made Knack 2 a far superior product.

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