Gylt is a very personal game that comes from the close experience of one relative of a studio member. Her little cousin was suffering from bullying at school. And what’s more terrifying than what’s more realistic and closer to our daily lives. We developed this original idea into a delicate horror game in which our young protagonist, Sally, is looking for her missing cousin, Emily. In her journey she will start running away from bullies and will be taken into…
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Crash Team Rumble
Do you like Crash Bandicoot? Have you wanted to see him in a non-platformer game? Well, Crash Team Rumble is a very different take on the franchise! Is it any good? Here is our review of Crash Team Rumble for the Xbox Series. Crash Team Rumble is a 4 versus 4 online multiplayer only game where your team fights against another team to get the most points. It has a battle season pass like Fortnite. Unlike Fortnite or other games…
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Super Mega Baseball 4 Review
Long before we were treated in the gaming world to the masterpiece series known as MLB the Show, little Kevin used to sit in front of his CRT TV playing games like Bases Loaded. There was just something about how much FUN those games were. Fully embracing the arcadiness style of gameplay, no need for real teams or players, just had fun with it. The mechanics also were so simple that virtually anyone could pick it up and play. Flash…
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Sonic Superstars Announced During Summer Game Fest
A brand new Sonic game was announced today during the Summer Game Fest! Check out the trailer below, along with our thoughts on the game. Sonic Superstars was announced during the Summer Game Fest today. It was an unexpected reveal for sure. Sonic Frontiers was the most recent Sonic game and it was 3D. Just like Mario though, it looks like Sonic can’t leave its 2D gameplay behind. The sonic has a brand new 2.5D look with things interacting between…
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder’s Revenge Will Get DLC Later This Year
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder’s Revenge will get DLC later this year. We have the details below. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder’s Revenge will get DLC later this year. The DLC is called Dimension Shellshock. It will include different colors for the Turtles, a new game mode and a brand-new playable character: Usagi Yojimbo! If you’re not familiar with Usagi, well, you are missing out. This character is so cool. Usagi is a tall Samauri rabbit and he appeared in…
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Super Mega Baseball 4 Is Now Available on Xbox One, Series X/S, PS4/PS5, Switch and PC
Super Mega Baseball 4 came out to today for all current gen and next consoles, plus PC! We have more information about this game below. Super Mega Baseball 4 came out today for Xbox One, Series X/S, PS4 and PS5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. The game has cross-play in Pennant Race and Online Leagues for all platforms. Over 200 legendary baseball players are included in the game like Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron. Are you excited for Super Mega Baseball…
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Mia and the Dragon Princess Review
I’m a sucker for the old school FMV games. Playing them on my PC in the mid-late 90s and occasionally we get some on consoles now. The latest of which being Mia and the Dragon Princess, which don’t let the name fool you, the game is full of greatly coordinated fights, explosions, and action. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Mia dreams of adventure, but her feeling of responsibility to her workmates – who have become her surrogate family –…
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Everdream Valley First Impressions
2022 and 2023 have probably been overloaded with farming and life simulation games. There have been dozens that have released on Nintendo Switch alone, and even more on Steam. More often than not, many of these games never make their way to PlayStation or Xbox, but that isn’t the case with Everdream Valley. Everdream Valley is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Steam on May 30, 2023, and to Nintendo Switch sometime in June. As I had heard very…
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Find the Force – the Ultimate Star Wars Experience in Fortnite (Video)
Star Wars Jedi Survivor isn’t the only video game Star Wars experience at the moment. Star Wars will be joining Fortnite! Check out the trailer below. When Fortnite first came to Nintendo Switch, I got into it a little. Eventually, I wandered away from it though. And now…Star Wars has joined the latest battle pass for Fortnite. It looks amazing too! I especially think Darth Maul looks cool in Fortnite, but all of the other characters looks neat too. Will…
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Horizon Burning Shores Review
Burning Shores is the DLC to Horizon Forbidden West and the latest in the Sci-Fi Adventure series. Burning Shores takes place in the immediate aftermath of Horizon Forbidden West, following the defeat of deluded Far Zenith warrior, Tilda. It’s largely a post-game add-on chapter, but teases the future of Horizon within its small-scale storyline, which introduces key players likely to return in a hypothetical third Horizon game. After the conclusion of the main campaign, this DLC summons you to LA…
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