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Hitman 3 Review

Hitman 3 gives back what you put into it, and man is it nice to play a game like that again. You can put zero effort into it, taking the path of least resistance and treating it like the action game it clearly isn’t. You’ll ‘finish’ it in about three hours, huff a bit and then move onto something that holds your hand a little more. Or you can see it for what it is: an assassination sandbox filled with…

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Is Competitive Gaming the Future?

There’s no doubt about it that competitive gaming is becoming bigger than many of us ever expected. The image of dusty school halls filled with overweight middle-aged men lugging CRT monitors about is now officially a thing of the past. Playing video games to a professional level is now cool and, hell, even women are getting involved. Take that, every 90s sit-com. The writing is on the wall. This is the future – whether we like it or not. Outlive…

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Summer in Mara Review

Summer in Mara is a single-player summer adventure. Take care of your own island, farming the land, and crafting new tools to survive. You can also sail away with your boat to new islands, meet unique characters and find hidden treasures. But the ocean wants you to fulfill your destiny and when it calls you, you’ll have to answer. Summer in Mara is a game about small details that will surprise you every time. Summer in Mara is an adventure…

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Resident Evil Showcase – January 2021 (Video)

The Resident Evil Showcase just aired and you can just out the replay below. We also has some thoughts on the event too. The Resident Evil Showcase was short but still interesting. The most interesting thing about it, of course, was Resident Evil Village. A new trailer and some new gameplay footage was shown. The game looks absolutely amazing. The graphics are so stunning! Like Resident Evil 7, Village is in first person mode. It seems to work for this…

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Where Have the Z-List Film Tie-in Games Gone?

No licensed music, characters that look nothing like their film counterparts and stories that only slightly resemble the source material – tie-in games used to be things of beauty. Alas, those days have gone. Development is harder than ever, taking years and years. Throwing together Hogwarts in six months is no longer an option. It’s more than a little depressing. There’s an entire generation of children who’ll never buy the worst video games just because they recognize the face of…

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The Dangers of Loot Boxes

Loot boxes are just the latest solution to the “problem” of increasing profits within the gaming industry, but really they’re no solution at all. On paper, they’re perfect. Monetise optional extras which can be earned through hard work or, for a small number of whales, be purchased. Fair enough, right? But it’s pretty clear that in recent years, developers are pushing this system to the limit. Overwatch is the perfect example, where little tricks and annoyances have added up to…

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The State of Sports Games in 2021

What on earth has happened to the sports game genre? Has there been a mass brain removal among the fanbase in the last 10 years? I get it – sports fans tend to buy one or two titles a year, and they’re always exactly the same franchise. They’re like Call of Duty fans, except without the new maps, the new story levels or the new guns. Instead you get a new roster and, maybe, a slightly new graphical sheen. So…

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More Thoughts From Me #255: Scott? Scott Pilgrim?

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: The Game is releasing this week and will appear on lots of platforms. I’ve talked about that elsewhere. Let’s talk about the movie! Scott Pilgrim Vs The World started life as a comic book. I’ve only ever read a little bit of the comic. My experience with the story is via the movie and the game. Today I want talk about the movie. Its still video game related! How is it video game related? Well,…

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Open World Games Are Starting to Burn Me Out

There are too many games to play, not enough time and every developer wants to create a sweeping open world with a million question marks to visit. Enough is enough. Open world is the forced stealth levels of the late 2010s/early 2020s. It’s the tower defence that we all got bored of in 10 minutes flat a decade ago. And yet, like that one cookie-cooker enemy that you fight in every single location of an open world game, it just…

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2021 needs to define the coming generation – because 2020 certainly didn’t

2020 was a lot of things to a lot of people, but it also had the distinct displeasure of being the year the new consoles were released. Somehow, the Xbox Series X and PS5 were still released, and the only real downside seems to be keeping stock levels high enough so people can pay for them. In hindsight, that’s about the best anybody could have predicted, and it’s fully down to the geniuses at Sony and Microsoft for making that…

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