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Tomura: “We may have announced [Kingdom Hearts 3] a little too early.”

It was the best moment of the Sony conference, up there alongside Final Fantasy XV: Kingdom Hearts 3 - in development. It's been a long time coming and confirmation that we may soon be able to get our grubby little mitts on one of the most requested sequels of all time was overwhelming. Well, we may need to reel in our excitement a little bit. Series creator Tetsuya Nomura has told Famitsu that, while it was a necessary announcement to make, it may well have been a little too early.

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Final Fantasy XV Screenshots, Battle Trailer

Final Fantasy XV, nee Final Fantasy Versus XIII, will probably be with us within the next 18 months. The excitement is palpable, and I'm sure people who have been waiting the best part of a decade for this are going to be obsessing over trailers and screens for months and weeks to come. We thought we'd make that a little easier by providing a few screens of our own.

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Versus XIII is now Final Fantasy XV

Square Enix pulled out all the stops at this year's Sony E3 conference and, in less than ten minutes, completely shook the gaming world to its foundation. Not only was Kingdom Hearts going to get its first fully numbered sequel in seven or eight years, but Final Fantasy Versus XIII is officially coming to PlayStation 4. Sorry, that isn't really true: Final Fantasy XV is coming to PlayStation 4. The name has changed but aside from that, the same dark action focus has remained.

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Kingdom Hearts 3 “In Development”

Square Enix announced two things at this morning's Sony conference, the first - Final Fantasy XV - we'll cover in an upcoming post, but the latter was easily as exciting. After years of spin-offs across many different platforms, Kingdom Hearts 3 is in development. A short teaser trailer showed off a beautiful Traverse Town and a new look for Sora, as well as a swarm of heartless which Sora used to get around. How important will this mechanic be for the full game? How far is it in development? These are things that have not yet been shared.

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Need For Speed Rivals Announced

The next Need for Speed game, Rivals, will give long-time fans everything they've come to expect from the franchise when it launches across multiple platforms, as well as a few new tricks to keep them coming back for more, both at the console or on tablet. In Need for Speed Rivals, the basic gameplay remains: cops and racers face off against one another, the cops trying to knock our the racers hurtle at ridiculous speeds towards the finish line. If you enjoyed Most Wanted, you'll enjoy Rivals.

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Dragon Age: Inquisition Unveiled

Bioware have made no secret of the fact that they've been working on a new Dragon Age game, and the reason for that was tonight revealed. Dragon Age: Inquisition hits all the buzzword tick boxes that a decent RPG should: it's open world, it gives you an awesome amount of power over the story and you'll interact with deep characters (both old and new, we're told). Although the Lord of the Rings vibe is still immense, Inquisition is a title that any Bioware fan will be excited for.

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Planetside 2 & DC Universe Online Confirmed for PS4

John Smedley, President of Sony Online Entertainment, stated “Since the launch of the original EverQuest, we have pioneered major shifts in the development of MMOs and videogames as a whole, and now we’re bringing our titles to the forefront of next-gen gaming. Players are evolving and want a variety of ways to access and play games. Our goal is to deliver epic gaming experiences that players crave while harnessing the awesome power and technology of this incredible new platform. We are thrilled to bring two of our most popular free-to-play games to PS4.”

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UK E3 Alternative EToo Announced, Sponsored by PlayStation

Making it to E3 is hard enough, even if you live in the US. For those of us in Europe (and further afield) it’s a vague impossibility, a mess of cost and inconvenience that far outweighs the visit’s usefulness. That’s why EToo sounds such a good idea. Sponsored by PlayStation and with over 30 developers present, from June 10th to 13th, the Loading Bar in Soho will be filled with some of the biggest indie games out there, as well…

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New Infamous: Second Son screenshots

6 beautiful new screenshots have been released for the upcoming PS4 exclusive Infamous: Second Son. This new batch of shots show new protagonist Deslin Rowe up close and personal along with some action shots of his powers.

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PS4 Mock-up Based on Teaser Trailer

The sneak peak PS4 video didn't show much on first inspection but a closer look and a lot of freeze framing revealed more than meets the eye. Multiple screengrabs of the video gave Reddit user Albino-Zebra just enough information to be able to piece together a mockup of what he thinks the PS4 may actually look like.

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