A new update for the PlayStation Vita might not seem to do very much right now, but it actually contains an awful lot. If you're planning to buy a PlayStation 4 over the coming weeks, today's Vita update prepares your handheld for many of the cross-platform features Sony have previously announced.
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A Realm Reborn Sales Better than Expected
The history of Final Fantasy XIV is a little rough. It had to basically be remade from scratch after it released to terrible reviews and financial ruin. It would have been the first truly bad Final Fantasy game ever released, if not for A Realm Reborn, which was significantly better than the original release.
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Ground Zeroes Releasing Spring 2014
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be released on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in Spring 2014, and will be available to purchase from £19.99.
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Ubisoft Drops Uplay Service For Good
Due to backlash from gamers, Ubisoft has decided to drop their controversial Uplay service. The most recent outcry about Ubisoft's version of an online pass is over the Edward's Fleet game mode in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. In order to access the feature, gamers had to enter in the code that came with their new copy of the game, or pay a fee. However, because of the inability for some users to be able to play Edward's Fleet, Ubisoft is now offering it for free. Here's more from their official blog post:
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Media Servers Not Supported on PlayStation 4
While perhaps not as annoying as the news that PlayStation 4 users won't be able to play MP3s, the fact that media servers will no longer be supported is going to be far more annoying (albeit to a smaller group of people). Watching a film or listening to music stored on your PC but played via your console was a great feature on PS3, and one that would have come in handy going forward.
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PlayStation 4 Can’t Play MP3 Files
The PlayStation 4 can't play MP3 files and doesn't have a music visualizer feature, Sony have today revealed. Instead, if you want to play music on your PS4, or if you want to use custom music while playing your games, you'll need a subscription to Music Unlimited.
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Assassin’s Creed IV, Watch Dogs DLC Only Sony Exclusive for 6 Months
The bonus downloadable content for the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 versions of Assassin’s Creed IV and Watch Dogs will only be Sony-exclusive for 6 months. This comes from a report by Shacknews, who pointed at that in a recent trailer for the Playstation 4 (featured below), the fine print that appears at the bottom of the screen (during the section when the 60 minutes of extra gameplay is advertised) reads “6 month exclusive”. Timed exclusives are pretty common in…
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Trine 2 Coming to PlayStation 4
There's a Finnish games convention over the next few weeks, and a run down of the events reveals Frozenbyte will be announcing Trine 2 for PlayStation 4. Whoops!
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Amazon Giving $10 for Watch Dogs Delay
Amazon are giving $10 to those that have been "inconvenienced" by the Watch Dogs delay. An email was sent out today to customers who had previously pre-ordered the Watch Dogs bundle.
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Check Out The inFAMOUS Second Son Collector’s Edition
The contents of Playstation 4 exclusive inFAMOUS Second Son have been revealed on the Playstation Blog. Also getting announced is the Limited Edition of the game, which retails for $59.99 and comes equipped with a nice foil cover and includes the Cole’s Legacy DLC, a prequel that takes place between inFAMOUS 2 and Second Son. If you already preordered the game, don’t worry. It’ll be automatically be upgraded to the Limited Edition. However, if you want to shell out some…
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