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Konami Comments on Ground Zeroes Length

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes was always something of an oddity. A prologue to a game that might not be out for a couple of years, at almost the cost of a full game? That was never going to fly, so when it was revealed this week that the main campaign lasted only a few hours, people got very upset. How could they charge so much for so little?

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Some PS4 Owners Unhappy with 1.6 Update

The 1.6 update hit for the PS4 this morning, and it does surprisingly little - nothing, in fact, if you don't have a camera or a headset, or if you don't watch DVDs. Those who are still enjoying their console regardless of the update or people with cameras and headsets are chuffed to bits over Sony's latest release, but others are less impressed, wondering just where all the features are?

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New PlayStation 4 Firmware Update Coming Tomorrow

The PlayStation 4 is one of the best consoles ever released, and that's no exaggeration. Even with that high praise though, there are still a few niggles that run fairly common through the community. Why are certain headsets unsupported? Why can't you mute the microphone on the camera? These issues will be rectified tomorrow, alongside others, in the PlayStation 4 firmware 1.60.

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Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition PS4 Outsells Xbox One Version

The PlayStation 4 version of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition has outsold the Xbox One version by almost double it was revealed today. This is opposite to the original release of the game, which saw the Xbox 360 release as the more popular one.

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PS4 Owner receives Electric Shocks, Asks If He Should Exchange Console

You know that moment when you're tapping away at a faulty piece of electronic equipment, getting electric shocks, and you're not sure whether you should keep tapping or return it to the manufacturer? PSN user Bogusm had that very problem with his PS4 and, rather than take it back to the retailer to be exchanged for a working console, he took to the PlayStation forums hoping to get advice on the issue.

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Unreal 4 Games to be “Everywhere By Christmas”

The new-gen has been slowly building up over the last few months, largely with multi-gen games and indie offerings filling the gaps between big releases. It's surprising that some of these releases are still running on the Unreal Engine 3, but it won't be long until the next iteration of that engine takes to the forefront and starts showing off its new abilities.

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Knack Review

Knack perhaps got more attention that almost all the other PlayStation 4 launch titles put together. It was directed by PS4 lead architect Mark Cerny and is Sony's big non-shooter push for the launch window. Although there have been many things said about Knack - that it's "kiddy," too simple - it definitely has its good points. It's just a shame you'll see most of them in the first ten minutes.

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Tropico 5 Coming to PlayStation 4

Kalypso has today announced that their huge strategy/management sim Tropico will be making the jump to PlayStation 4 in the near future. Tropico 5 has you control an island over hundreds of years, adapting your playing style as your people learn to want and need new things.

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Killzone: Shadow Fall hits 2.1 Million Sales

Sony today announced that Killzone: Shadow Fall has sold over two million units. Considering the amount of PS4s that have been shipped, that number is impressive to say the least, rivalling more or less anything on new-gen machines (and quite a bit from last gen as well). By comparison, the last Mario game sold roughly half as much on the Wii U, which has been out for well over a year.

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Sly Cooper Leaping onto the Silver Screen

Hot on the heels of Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper is going to be making it into cinemas in 2016. The infamous gang of thieves will be starring in their very own state-of-the-art gorgeous feature film, probably involving a caper or two. You'll almost certainly want to take your kids to see Sly Cooper, especially since you'll secretly (or not so secretly) going for yourself anyway.

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