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PS4 Reviews


Resogun Review

There are people claiming that the PlayStation 4 launch was weak. Those people haven't played Resogun. With its fast pace, easy-to-pick-up gameplay, beautiful graphics and fantastic soundtrack, it's the surprise hit of the early part of this generation. While it might not alone convince anybody that it's worth investing in a brand new console, it'll definitely keep you busy for the time being.

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PlayStation 4 Console Review

The PlayStation 3's launch was full of potential, but in the end fell short of instant love. Sony had underestimated the importance of social and online features and so had paled in comparison to Xbox 360 in that regard, and the cost and available games did nothing to help the situation. Sony hasn't made the same mistake twice. The PlayStation 4 is the perfect console for today, with room to grow as the industry does.

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