The image in question does seem to point towards a Ratchet & Clank game. The font is similar to past games, and the image itself has a Ratchet & Clank-esque feel to it.
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GTAV trailer was PS3 footage
Rockstar have earlier confirmed in the comments section on their Official Site that everything shown in the GTAV video was captured from a game running on a PS3 system.
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New Grand Theft Auto V Screens
With the latest gameplay trailer, we’ve been able to capture a new set of Grand Theft Auto V screens that show of the world you’ll be exploring later this year. Along with some returning old favourite features – like the ability to buy real estate – Grand Theft Auto V also allows you to play tennis, sky dive, collect bounties, play the stock market and much, much more. In these Grand Theft Auto V Screens, we’ve tried to grab some…
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Grand Theft Auto V Gameplay Trailer
You've waiting long enough for it and today Rockstar have delivered. Within the four minutes or so that make up this Grand Theft Auto V gameplay trailer, you'll learn everything you need to know about transferring from character to characters, about shooting and driving, about things you'll do when not on a mission and you'll even get your first glimpse of Grand Theft Auto Online.
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Aliens DLC Unveiled – Stasis Interrupted
There will be some new single player Aliens DLC. Stasis Interrupted will be the final piece of DLC linked to the Colonial Marines season pass and the first piece of single player DLC made available. The four or five people who have been waiting patiently for some single player Aliens DLC (or any Aliens DLC for that matter) since launch probably won't be able to buy it, as they're not allowed access to money lest they spend it on silly things like Aliens: Colonial Marines DLC.
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Final Fantasy X HD Comparison Video Released
Square Enix and PlayStation have released a Final Fantasy X HD comparison video showcasing the differences between the PS2 and PS3 versions of Final Fantasy X. Showing off the introduction, you'll see clearer character models, better lighting and textures and more screen real estate.
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The Last Of Us Sales Surpass 3.4 Million Worldwide
Sony have today announced that The Last of Us sales have surpassed 3.4 million, both physical and digital. This is a pretty fantastic achievement for Naughty Dog and for Sony, who put a lot of marketing into a new IP at the tail end of a generation. The Last of Us was critically acclaimed, and it seems like it might just end up as a commercial success as well.
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GTA5 Gameplay video coming tomorrow
Rockstar have today announced that a proper, full trailer featuring actual gameplay will be released tomorrow for GTA5.
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New Releases this week | July 8th – July 15th
A pretty good week for new releases this week with something for everyone on almost all platforms. As always this is not an exhaustive list and release dates may change at short notice.
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Painkiller: Hell and Damnation Review
Painkiller: Hell and Damnation is an arena shooter not entirely unlike Unreal Tournament or Quake. It's a corner of the FPS genre that's been ignored in mainstream shooters for the vast majority of this generation, with the exception of Unreal Tournament 3, which VGChartz tells me only sold around a million units on consoles, and Serious Sam, a franchise which has evened out at around the 60-70 mark on Metacritic.
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