Activision and Infinity Ward have released a video displaying some of the new additions to Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer. Along with the continued smooth, fun gameplay that keeps the Call of Duty franchise a must-buy year after year, Ghosts multiplayer brings with it new game modes, new weaponry and, most importantly, female characters.
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Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Revealed; Female Characters Added

GTAV Online gameplay trailer coming on Thursday
The world premiere of the Official Grand Theft Auto Online gameplay trailer will be this Thursday August 15. The gameplay trailer of the single player portion of Rockstar’s upcoming GTAV released last month was enough to satisfy most (if not all) fans. It even managed to create a buzz surrounding the online element by giving us a brief glimpse of things to come. Now, only a few weeks away from its release date, R* are finally showing us exactly what…
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Cory Barlog Makes a “Crazy” Return to Santa Monica Studios
Cory Barlog teased a "crazy" announcement late last week, and it did indeed turn out to be something nobody could have expected. The God of War 2 director has returned to Santa Monica Studios. For those that aren't sure why that's a big deal, he also wrote and did the original design for God of War III, and did the script for God of War: Ghost of Sparta. In many ways, his vision led one of the most popular franchises under the PlayStation brand.
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New Releases this week | Aug 12th – Aug 18th 2013
Not a great week for releases but a week which brings much variety and contrast. two Disney games, two horror games, a couple HD remakes and of course Payday 2 are just some of what you will find coming out in the next 7 days.
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Strangers Wrath HD Review
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee was a PlayStation staple. Along with Rayman, I'm not sure there was a single person I knew that didn't have that iconic green sewn-up mouth grinning within their PS1 collection. When the Oddworld series jumped to the Xbox, abandoning not only much of the userbase but also, in a small way at first, Abe himself. Stranger's Wrath ended up under-performing and would have been lost to time if not for Just Add Water and their release of Stranger's Wrath HD.
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Dragons Crown Review
I've only tried one other Vanillaware game, and that's Muramasa Rebirth. While I did understand the appeal, it was still an experience that left me feeling cold, and my expectations for their next release plummeted. Regardless, I still felt like I should give their next effort a chance. I'm glad I did, too, because Dragon's Crown is one of the finest games I've played all year.
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“Crazy” Announcement Coming to PlayStation Blog
Cory Barlog, director of God of War II and last known working at Crystal Dynamics, has said that there will be a “crazy” announcement coming to the PlayStation Blog tomorrow. Time differences being what they are, that basically means today! Check out the playstation blog tomorrow – I heard they have a crazy announcement. — Cory Barlog (@corybarlog) August 9, 2013 Nothing else is said about the announcement, no hints as to what it entails or how crazy it might…
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Cloudberry Kingdom Review
Imagine a world filled with an adorable, cartoon-like visual style. Suddenly, the level's door opens and out comes this incredibly heroic-looking "Bobâ" figure, cape and all. Now, out of nowhere, this incredibly exhilarating music fades in... and you set your eyes upon the trials that lie before you, from two measly spikes to a fear inducing 2% of unoccupied screen space.
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Final Fantasy X HD Has 60 Rearranged Tracks, New Menus
Some new information has been released about the upcoming re-release of Final Fantasy X for PS3. If you'd wanted to know why it's taken so long for "just" a remaster to get onto our consoles, this might have something to do with it.
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Saints Row IV Demo now available
Volition have released a demo of the upcoming Saints Row IV to the PS Store. Well, saying it’s a demo is a bit ambitious. The short, yet oddly large (roughly 1400MB) demo gives players a chance to create their character in anticipation of the game’s full release in two weeks. Create wild and wacky characters using the robust creation options. Fiddle around with settings such as gender, race, skin color, height, weight and even their sex appeal with a slider…
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