Due to backlash from gamers, Ubisoft has decided to drop their controversial Uplay service. The most recent outcry about Ubisoft's version of an online pass is over the Edward's Fleet game mode in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. In order to access the feature, gamers had to enter in the code that came with their new copy of the game, or pay a fee. However, because of the inability for some users to be able to play Edward's Fleet, Ubisoft is now offering it for free. Here's more from their official blog post:
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Batman Arkham Origins Review
Long before being locked in Arkham Asylum, Batman was a talented, slightly cocky crime fighter just making a name for himself. While he still adhered to his strict code of ethics, he'd never had to really push himself before. He was a thorn in the side of the Gotham underground. He didn't have the protection of the police. He didn't have the respect of the people. He was, to some, a myth.
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Telltale Announces The Walking Dead: Season Two
Telltale Games has just announced The Walking Dead: Season Two. As the sequel to their mega-hit adventure game based on Robert Kirkman’s highly acclaimed ongoing comic series of the same name, the second season will run five episodes long and feature Season One’s co-star Clementine as the main protagonist. Here’s more from the official press release: The Walking Dead: Season Two – A Telltale Games Series will continue the story of Clementine, a young girl orphaned at the outset of…
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Ethan Meteor Hunter Review
Alli took a look at Ethan: Meteor Hunter a few months ago, ahead of it being finished, and found a game that had a lot of potential. Now, fully released on PlayStation 3 and PC, you can now play through the whole time-stopping adventure to your heart's content. Does it manage to live up to the potential we saw when we first saw it?
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Assassin’s Creed IV, Watch Dogs DLC Only Sony Exclusive for 6 Months
The bonus downloadable content for the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 versions of Assassin’s Creed IV and Watch Dogs will only be Sony-exclusive for 6 months. This comes from a report by Shacknews, who pointed at that in a recent trailer for the Playstation 4 (featured below), the fine print that appears at the bottom of the screen (during the section when the 60 minutes of extra gameplay is advertised) reads “6 month exclusive”. Timed exclusives are pretty common in…
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EU PS Plus Dark Souls II and Destiny of Spirits Betas Incoming
The beta for Dark Souls II will be available to European PS Plus subscribers this Sunday. Starting at 7 a.m. GMT on the 27th, players will get to try and survive in the punishing, brutal world that is Dark Souls II. Here’s more from the official announcement, courtesy of the Playstation Blog: Developed by From Software, Dark Souls II is the highly anticipated sequel to the punishing 2011 breakout hit Dark Souls. The unique old-school action RPG experience captivated imaginations…
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Enter the Dominatrix Available Now for Saints Row IV
Saints Row IV received some sexy new downloadable content today with Enter the Dominatrix. For $6.99, players get to experience an alternate storyline where the Dominatrix has trapped the Saints in a world filled with pimps, gimps and prostitutes. This latest DLC comes complete with new ways to cause some chaos with some new weapons, new enemies to try them out on, as well as all new missions. There’s even developer’s commentary that’s included, plus cameo appearances from old characters.…
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17 Minutes of Arkham Origins Released
If absolutely nothing else, this 17 minutes of gameplay footage from Batman: Arkham Origins proves beyond a shadow of the doubt that it is more of the same. Those worried by Rocksteady working on something else, or by the inclusion of multiplayer, need not worry. Watch this video. If you loved Arkham City, you're going to love Arkham Origins.
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Puppeteer Review
One of the biggest problems with Puppeteer, at least in my experience, is that people go in expecting it to be a lot like LittleBigPlanet. Some people I've spoken to about it have dismissed it entirely, thinking that is had been developed by Media Molecule. That crowd cheers and changing sets make up a huge part of its aesthetic mean that some are quick to point out the similarities.
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Ellen Page Nudes Cause Problems For Sony
There's a scene in Beyond: Two Souls in which Ellen Page takes a shower. A shower is hardly sexually charged, of course, and nothing is actually shown in-game, but for all intents and purposes, Ellen Page is naked on screen. It is, at best, a minor titillation for people looking to be titillated.
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