Fans of the Oddworld franchise will know exactly how New 'n' Tasty is made, but that won't stop the hair on the back of your neck from standing up when you watch this rather excellent trailer for Spring 2014's Abe's Oddysee remake. "I thought I had a good job..."
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Warner Brothers Announce Arkham Collection Edition
This generation is rapidly coming to a close, and unless you've got 26 hours to a day and eight days a week, it's unlikely you've been able to see everything on offer. The Batman Arkham franchise are three of the standout moments from the last eight years, and if you've yet to try them out, Warner Brothers have today announced that they have you covered.
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Final Exam Review
There have been quite a few beat 'em ups in recent years, and you can't swing a semi-rotten cat without hitting a zombie/nightmarish creature game. That doesn't mean that the two combined can't be something interesting and special, it just means that its harder to have the title stand out. That's unfortunate, because Final Exam probably won't get the attention it probably deserves.
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Next-Gen Middle-Earth Game Announced
It's a double-barrelled nightmare, but the first next-gen Middle-Earth game from Warner-Brothers (maybe not that last one) was today announced for Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
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Beyond Two Souls Review
If you’re a PS3 gamer, then you’ve probably heard of Quantic Dreams previous title - Heavy Rain. More story focused with simplistic gameplay, with a large portion of that being quick time events, people had mixed opinions on this style of game. It was criticized just as much as it was praised for its style of gameplay and its plot heavy nature, but how does Beyond: Two Souls compare?
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Atelier Rorona Review
It's pretty obvious that Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, was created from the get go with multiple playthroughs in mind, but even if you decided only to give the game just one playthrough
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Call of Duty: Ghosts (Might Have) Sold Well
It's no surprise to anybody with a brain, but Call of Duty: Ghosts appears to have done very well. They've shipped a billion dollars worth of units (some 17 million), some of which will presumably have been snapped up by consumers. That's the problem - we just don't know.
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A Realm Reborn Sales Better than Expected
The history of Final Fantasy XIV is a little rough. It had to basically be remade from scratch after it released to terrible reviews and financial ruin. It would have been the first truly bad Final Fantasy game ever released, if not for A Realm Reborn, which was significantly better than the original release.
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Ground Zeroes Releasing Spring 2014
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be released on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in Spring 2014, and will be available to purchase from £19.99.
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Atlus Teaser Site Might Reveal Persona 5
According to a post on Reddit, an Atlus teaser site slipped up and revealed Persona 5 early. The site is supposed to go live on November 24, but apparently displayed the image shown above for around a minute. If this turns out to be true, then it looks like MegaTen fans will be very happy when Persona 5 is released for the Playstation 3 next year.
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