File sizes for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes have been leaked, and they're not quite as meaty as you might expect. Despite the revelation that the main story could be beaten in a matter of hours, many fans had hoped that replayabiltiy and exploration would more than make up for that. Now, that's not quite certain.
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PlayStation Now Prices Revealed?
A leaked image from the official Gaikai website might hint at the future pricing on the PlayStation Now service, although there's nothing certain about it, so read with a grain of salt. The rather blurry looking picture gives up the probably temporary rental prices of Uncharted 3 and Far Cry 3, although without more information it's difficult to guess exactly what you'll get for those prices.
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Pac-Man Museum Review
Video gaming's first yellow circular celebrity has turned 30 this year, and instead of getting trashed with friends Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde, he's taking a trip down memory lane, through the highlights (and low-lights) of his prestigious career.
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The Last of Us Movie in the Works
Sony and Naughty Dog have today announced that they'll be bringing The Last of Us to cinemas. No information about the actual adaptation has been released, although fans will be happy to know Naughty Dog are keeping hold of the reigns to make sure things don't end up completely sucking. Screen Gems (Resident Evil, Underworld) has been brought on as distributor, while Neil Druckmann, creative director on the game, will be writing the script. Naughty Dog co-presidents Evan Wells and Christophe Balestra will act as "creative architects."
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New LEGO The Hobbit Trailer Released
While the Lord of the Rings franchise focussed on a small group of people changing the world in a big way, The Hobbit was more about the group (at least up to a point). This isn't something that's been lost on the team behind LEGO The Hobbit either, as they've added new ways for you to work together with your "buddies." Warner Brothers today released a new trailer showcasing these new abilities, and the importance of your group.
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Killer is Dead Review
Killer is Dead is a hard game to pin down. You play as an executioner for a government agency that hunts out murderers for the general public. It plays a little like something from Platinum, a third-person action game with an anime flair. That flair runs deeper than just the visual style though, and a unique fantastical twist makes it all the more unusual. Expect blood, whimsy, sex, adventure and intrigue.
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Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition Coming to PS4
After quite a lot of rumours, and a leaked PS+ list for next month, it seems much of it has been confirmed. Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition has been announced for PlayStation 4 over on the Asian PlayStation Blog, along with the reveal that it'll be free on PlayStation plus. No more information is given, but I imagine we'll be finding out the specifics over the next few days.
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Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII Review
The Final Fantasy XIII franchise has managed to completely split the Final Fantasy fandom down the middle, becoming a punchline for a certain sort of online persona. In the echo chamber, those that are angry shout the loudest, and they only hear their own voices jump back. That's a shame, because Lightning Returns shows that things can get better, and that new ideas sometimes pay off. It was never going to be the best Final Fantasy game ever - but it CAN be a decent time filler.
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Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate coming to PS3, 360, Wii U
The 2.5D Metroidvania entry in the Batman Arkham city will be coming to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U in April this year, Warner Brothers have announced. Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate was a handheld exclusive that took place after Arkham Origins and was set in - can you guess - Blackgate Prison. Blackmask, Joker and Penguin all want to cause trouble, and it's up to you as The Bat to sort it all out.
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New Call of Duty: Ghosts Patch Released
A new patch for Call of Duty: Ghosts on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 has been released. The patch contains a variety of different updates and fixes that should make playing on either Sony console that much more enjoyable. Fans will be especially happy for certain improvements to stability which has, until recently, been quite a hit or miss affair. There are also a few Ghosts updates for each specific console, so if there's been a problem on your device of choice, it might be worth checking the bottom of the list to see if it's been fixed.
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