IGN and Sledgehammer have released an image of the next Call of Duty, supposedly from in-game footage. Call of Duty 2014 has yet to be fully revealed, although it was confirmed earlier this year that it would be made with a focus on new-gen consoles. Perhaps the release of this image, with its rather excellent texturing, is a continuation of that.
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Sony Confirmed The Last of Us PS4
Everybody has known about The Last of Us PS4 for, well, quite a while. It was turning up for pre-order in stores at the beginning of the year, and development was confirmed by a senior Sony employee last month. Stores were even accepting pre-orders and offering bonuses. The only part of the video game chain that couldn't accept its existence was Sony as a whole, but that changed today.
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Minecraft Servers Down After Web-Breaking OpenSSL Bug Discovered
Hundreds of websites and servers are to be affected after the discovery of a web-breaking bug that makes an estimated two-thirds of all servers accessible to hackers. Passwords, bank details and more could be available to those that know how to get them, and it's not just favourite websites that are affected. The Minecraft servers, for starters, have been temporarily shut down while developer Mojang looks into the problem.
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Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel in Development
It was only a month ago that Randy Pitchford said his studio wasn't working on a new Borderlands title and that hiding work on new titles was pointless, and here we are. Although it's true that Gearbox aren't directly working on Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, a new game set between Borderlands and Borderlands 2, 2K Australia apparently are.
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Predator Leaping into Call of Duty
A short teaser video from the official Call of Duty Instagram page shows a distinctly Predator-esque level, with a distinctly invisible threat hunting the player. Although it's not expressly said that Predator will be making an appearance in the next set of DLC maps, which the video is a teaser for, it's pretty obvious. The description even has the quote "If it bleeds..." in it.
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April PlayStation Plus Content Leaks
Sony Asia have once again announced the upcoming games for their PlayStation Plus content, most of which end up being exactly the same as the EU stuff. There's a nice mixture of titles this month across all platforms, certainly enough to keep most people happy until May.
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Ground Zeroes PS4 Sells Almost Three Times Xbox One Version
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a decent title, although the price doesn't quite match the amount of content on offer (our full review is coming later today). That hasn't stopped it being a pretty successful seller though, hitting second place in the charts behind Infamous: Second Son. The fact that it's had a fairly exciting launch isn't really the most interesting thing about its release though. For that, you'll need to look closer.
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There’s A Lot of Ways to Die in Oddworld
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty is well on its way and is looking great. Every set of screenshots, every new piece of information shows a game that's honest to the original Oddysee, but that has been improved upon with modern technology. At GDC this week, Just Add Water and Oddworld Inhabitants released a brand new video showing off some familiar, but excitingly new gameplay.
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Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Review
Cybernet was a video game focussed TV show here in the UK back when the PS2 launched. When they weren't showing and reshowing the opening of Metal Gear Solid 2, they were showing and reshowing clips from Final Fantasy X. Look at the graphics! Look at the characters! And, oh, they've got voices as well!
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The Last of Us Sells Six Million
If you thought The Last of Us was some niche stealth title enjoyed only by you and your Dark Souls loving hardcore brethren, you were completely wrong. Sony have today announced that The Last of Us, Naughty Dogs huge new IP, has sold over six million units, and that numbers only going to continue to sky rocket.
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