Warner Brothers have today announced the next entry in the Mortal Kombat series. Mortal Kombat X is the long-awaited follow-up to the semi-reboot Mortal Kombat 9, which was really a a remake of sorts of the first three titles in the franchise. Where will they go next? Thankfully, we won't have to wait long to find out, with details due to come out during E3.
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Ubisoft just topped it’s own record for day one game sales with Watch_dogs
After just over two years in development delay limbo, to it's eventual release just two days ago, Watch dogs has been hyped as one of the big new IPs to watch out for (excuse the terrible pun).
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Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare Coming to PlayStation
It was always pretty obvious that Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare would end up on PlayStation devices. I'm not sure Popcap or EA ever denied it either. The franchise has long been a multiplatformer, regardless of any temporary exclusivity deals that might have been in place. Well, a new Tweet from the official EA account hints that the family-friendly shooter will be available on PS3 and PS4 sooner than expected.
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Warrior Orochi 3 Ultimate Coming soon to Ps4 and XBOX One
Tecmo Koei Europe announced today that the latest in the Warriors Orochi series is currently in development. Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is coming to PS3, PS4, PSVita and the Xbox One and contains the full Warriors Orochi 3, as well as new stories and features. It is the first in the series to be released on the flagship PS4 and Xbox One systems.
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Harmonix has reached their kickstarter campaign goal for Amplitude
As of today, independent game developer Harmonix's dream of bringing their classic music rhythm game Amplitude from the Playstation 2 to current generation consoles is turning into a reality.
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PlayStation Now Will Have “Hundreds of Titles” at Launch
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by how many titles you have in the backlog? Worried that your 250+ games on Steam have never been touched, and yet you keep buying them? Things might be about to get much worse. IGN are reporting that they've been told the PlayStation Now streaming service will contain "hundreds of titles" at launch, an event that's happening this summer for you lucky North Americans.
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Fan Creates Custom Zelda Controller… For The PS3
It's not unusual for the crafty sort to paint controllers or even consoles, and there's some really amazing stuff out there. The Legend of Zelda is a regular source for fans, and we've all seen custom Wiis, Gamecubes, controllers and Gameboys masked with Gorons, fairies and Zoras. Less usual is to find Zelda-releated fan art on PlayStation products, but one person has bucked expectation.
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Ubisoft Didn’t Interfere in Child of Light Development
It's a well believed idea that major publishers hate originality and that they'll take a direct hand in development if they don't like the direction a game is going. While that may well happen, Child of Light writer Jeffrey Yohalem was surprised to find Ubisoft was nothing but supportive of his fairy tale RPG.
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Metal Gear Revengeance Permanently Reduced on Digital Stores
Konami have today announced the adjustment on the price of Metal Gear Solid Revengeance and some of the DLC on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The discount will be permanent, meaning that those that have yet to dip into the slash-fest have no reason to rush to the digital stores.
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EU May PlayStation Plus Titles Announced
It's that time of the month again. Sony have announced the new PlayStation Plus games for May 2014, and this time around there's more of a mixed bag. While April's games introduced a few largely unwanted sports games, this coming month might seem a little underwhelming at first, especially if you're the sort of person who only plays "adult" games. Still, five free games, and all of them worth checking out.
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