When it rains, it pours. Apparently Square Enix have realized there's a new Kingdom Hearts Remix coming out in the next few months, and that they ought to start advertising it. Our second trailer in less than a month, this one shows off some of the changes between the original, SD PS2 version of Kingdom Hearts 2 and the new HD PS3 outing. There's also a clip from Birth by Sleep.
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PS4 Remote Now Works Wirelessly on PS3
The Dualshock 4 is one of the most comfortable controllers going, which is why a fair few people were excited to find out that you were able to play PS3 games with it. Aside from a few titles, such as Grand Theft Auto V and Sly Cooper 4, almost every PS3 game supports it fully out of the box. There's only one downside: you had to have the remote plugged in via USB. That has now changed.
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Sony Releasing Ultimate Gamer Bundles
Let's say that you consider yourself quite the gamer, but you've yet to play some of the classics of the PS3 era. What can you do? Sony Japan Asia are offering at least one solution by releasing a set of terribly tempting packs designed to offer you just some of the awesome experiences available on Sony's last major console.
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Batman Arkham Origins Complete Edition Coming August?
Batman Arkham Origins was met with slightly more mixed reviews than its predecessor, Arkham City, but it was still a very capable entry in the Bat's franchise. For those that missed out, it might be worth holding on just a little longer, as Amazon's German branch may have just leaked the existence of a Game of the Year edition.
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Dead Space 3 Coming to PlayStation Plus Next Month
Sony have announced the games coming to PlayStation Plus in July, and leading the charge is EA's Dead Space 3.
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DICE Not Sure Why People Liked Bad Company
It was always pretty obvious that Bad Company 3 would be a thing. The games were relatively successful and created a following that is still waiting for the chance to revisit those characters and that multiplayer. They'll probably be waiting for a little while longer, because DICE doesn't know what made those games so special.
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There’s Already too much DLC at E3
With one press conference down, and a few more to go, it appears as if downloadable content is going to once again be a big thing at E3 2014. DLC comes with its own praises and criticisms, but in general, it is a idea that has worked out for both developers and gamers. Developers can extend the life of their titles while also gaining more revenue, while players get more content for the games they love. There are a few issues that have always, and will always, surround DLC.
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EA Officially Announced Battlefield Hardline
Today Battlefield Hardline showed up at E3. I’ve not been a huge fan of the franchise, but this game immediately caught my attention. Hardline combines the gameplay of Battlefield with the well-known ‘catch me if you can’ game mode. The result seems to be a fast paced shooter with many decisions which can influence the outcome.
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New Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Trailer, Release Date announced
Square Enix have been fairly quiet on Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix. It was announced earlier this year that it'd be coming to the west, and it was forgotten about. Just before E3, the news gummi has taken to the skies and a new trailer has returned. We have to admit, it's looking pretty stunning.
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NASCAR ’14 Review
Racing games can generally be played in a variety of ways. While those that love Gran Turismo the most might play it as a simulator, it's just as easy to experience it as some approximation of Mario Kart, crashing into other vehicles on long bends or swinging onto the grass when necessary. NASCAR '14 is all about tight lines and clever driving, a fact that makes it both very playable and undoubtedly niche.
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