What's makes a good horror game? Does it need monsters? Does it need to be set in the dark? Is The Last of Us a horror game or does the genre exist beyond its separate elements? These are just some of the questions that Joe Ryan, Allison Hill and Mat Growcott try to crack on this week's GRCast. Scary games used to be ten a dime, but times have changed and now they're mostly coming from indie publishers. Can they make a full come back, and will Oculus Rift play a role in its revival?
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GRCast S02E02 – Mario Kart Franchise: Memories, History and Future
In our first franchise week, we're looking at Mario Kart. Joe is joined by Adam, Allison and Dakota to discuss the nostalgia of the biggest driving series ever. We'll talk about favourite characters and tracks, battle mode, features we'd like to see added, things they should get rid of, DLC, track building, Reggie's body and Ganon's tiny bike.
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GRCast S02E01 – ‘E3 Wasn’t Really Better, It Just Sucked Less’
Joe Ryan returns to the host's chair for the second season of the GRCast. In our return episode, we look at the highlights of E3, whether it was any better than previous years and whether Nintendo's decision to just release their video to the web is the beginning of the end for the biggest week in the gaming calender.
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GRCast Promo (Season 2)
Joe Ryan and the GRCast Team are returning this week with the first of their second season of gaming podcasts. Join us as we introduce a whole host of new ideas, new faces and new laughs. Watch as Joe tests our writer's knowledge of this hobby that we love, and as we tackle the biggest, most important gaming issues of the day. Our second season kicks off with our GRCast E3 Special, where we'll be balancing the ups and downs of the biggest event in the gaming calender. And is E3 sexist? That's an accusation we've heard this week, but is there any meat in it?
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GRCast Episode 18
On episode 18, Joe, Mat, and Allison talk about Outlast before spending a bit of time discussing how terrifying it could be to be a cow. Joe is madly in love with Diablo III on console, and Mat has been playing Vita just to spite everyone. Also, other games! It’s a typical (read: awesome) GR Cast! Subscribe in a reader Download GRCast is a funny gaming podcast hosted by Joe Ryan. He’s joined by a variety of guests each…
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GRCast Episode 17
Joe, Charles, and Allison meet up in the studio for an extra large episode of gaming goodness! Marvel as the crew talks about horror games from years ago, and the joys of attacking British people with hatchets. From there they move on to the joys of being the super-powered President of the United States in Saints Row 4 and do a callback to the great super open world games of the past in the form of Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Finally,…
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GRcast Episode 16
Joe and Randy team up to talk about a highly anticipated game: Plants Vs Zombies 2: It’s About Time. Then begins an epic tangent about free to play, Kickstarter, creative freedom vs financial backing and more. Who knew one game could spur so much discussion? Download GRCast is a funny gaming podcast hosted by Joe Ryan. He’s joined by a variety of guests each week, professional gamers and video game journalists. For serious discussion on a range of industry…
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GRcast Episode 15
Joe, Mat, and newcomer Randy sit down to talk about some games and soon go off on an epic tangent about the state of the industry and where Nintendo stands among the competition. Expect sales numbers and disappointment, along with ideas of where the industry is headed as a whole. Quit trying to divide our attention between a million different devices, guys! Download GRCast is a funny gaming podcast hosted by Joe Ryan. He’s joined by a variety of…
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GRcast – Episode 14
Joe, Charles, Allison sit down to listen to Charles talk about games for 45 minutes. Defense Grid, Animal Crossing, Spec Ops: The Line and more await you! Joe occasionally comments, Allison makes an agreeable noise once every fifteen minutes, and then it ends. You’ll love it! Check out the Indie Music Showcase artist Playing with Power at www.playingwithpower.com and email the show: podcast@gamesreviews.com. Download GRCast is a funny gaming podcast hosted by Joe Ryan. He’s joined by a variety…
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GRcast – Episode 13
This week, Allison joins Joe and Mat to talk about the games they are most anticipating for the end of the year. Expect to hear about Grand Theft Auto 5, The Witness, Disney Infinity, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified and more! Email the show: podcast@gamesreviews.com and follow the crew on Twitter: @Joe_Ryan150 @matgrowcott @alli893 Download GRCast is a funny gaming podcast hosted by Joe Ryan. He’s joined by a variety of guests each week, professional gamers and video game journalists.…
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