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Super Lucky’s Tale: Gilly Island DLC

If you've never played Super Lucky's Tale you are definitely missing out. Despite a few hiccups that have plagued platforming titles since the beginning of time, Super Lucky's Tale is a charming adventure platform title that will have you scurrining across four world, collecting coins and clovers, defeating bosses, and bringing peace to the land. For 4.99, owners of Super Lucky's Tale can grab a 5th world, with roughly 3-4 hours of gameplay. While nothing new mechanically is added to the experience, the new character and world are definitely wroth the 5 bucks ...

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Nintendo Direct Tomorrow (3/8)

Nintendo announced today that there will be a Direct tomorrow. Read on below for more information and my thoughts on the Nintendo Direct. Nintendo has announced a Direct for March 8, 2018. Hey that’s tomorrow! The Nintendo Direct will cover 3DS and Nintendo Switch games. New details of Mario Tennis will be revealed for sure. Kirby Star Allies is coming out this month for the Switch and will most likely be shown in this Direct. Detective Pikachu is coming out…

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More Thoughts From Me #110: Questions and Answers

I asked a bunch of my twitter friends/followers if they had any questions for me and they delievered! So todays More Thoughts From Me is a Q&A. You had questions and I have answers! Here are the questions in bold and then my answers: GTM618 asked: “VR. Is it the future? Or a fad” I want to say VR is a fad but it keeps coming back. We can’t get rid of it! It was here in the 90s, then…

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Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition Review

Two robots walk into a bar…ok, no bar, but two robots do walk into a sticky situation. One robot is trapped under glass, with a crusher headed his way, and the other is on the otherside and has to get to a big red button to stop the crusher. After the robot under glass is free, the two robots must make it to the end of the level. The game I’m describing is called Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition and its…

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Kirby Star Allies Demo Impressions

I haven’t always been a Kirby fan. In fact, I didn’t know much about the big pink fur ball until the Wii Virtual Console. I saw the NES Kirby game for download there and thought, “Why not?” and downloaded it. And with that, I was a Kirby fan for life! That said, I have always liked the more traditional Kirby eats everything games more than the other more gimmicky games (though Kirby Robobot was pretty cool). So Kirby Star Allies…

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Mulaka Review

I wrote about Mulaka previously. I like this game a lot. Do I recommend that you download this game right after reading this review? Read on to find out my final thoughts about Mulaka. Mulaka’s setting and characters are really interesting and different from what we’ve seen from other games on the Nintendo Switch eshop so far. But does all this make for a good story? I’d say the story is interesting, the characters are interesting, and the dialogue usually…

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More Thoughts From Me #109: What Are the Nintendo 3DS Games of 2018?

Nintendo is currently very focused on the Nintendo Switch. They released a ton of games for the system and will be releasing even more this year. And yet, they still have the 3DS too and have said there will be games for it this year. They have already released a new Kirby game in January and will release Detective Pikachu in March. But will there be other games? What will those other games be? I love the Nintendo Switch. I…

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Transported to the Wonderful World of Mulaka

When I first saw Mulaka for the Nintendo Switch, I was impressed by its graphics right away. This game, of course, is not the first game for Nintendo Switch to be 3D and Polygonal. Morphite was the first game that I played on the Switch with such graphics. However Mulaka is doing something different from Morphite or any other game I’ve seen with this type of art style. Mulaka is colorful and infused with a very unique and stunning premise.…

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Luigi’s Balloon World Added to Super Mario Odyssey

During the last Nintendo Direct, a free update to Super Mario Odyssey was mentioned. Last night, Nintendo released the update! Luigi’s Balloon World was added to the game. There were some other things added too. For more details on this addition to the game, please read on below. Nintendo of America (and Canada!) announced last night that Luigi’s Balloon World has been added to Super Mario Odyssey. This new mini-game has players collecting balloons for a high score. You can…

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Steamworld Dig Switch Review

I’ve played the orignal Steamworld Dig on the 3DS and the Wii U. It is an excellent game. And now that excellent game is coming to the Nintendo Switch. Is this version any better than the other versions or is it the exact same game as before? Nothing has changed about Steamworld Dig’s story. Steamworld Dig for the Switch is the same experiance that it was on other consoles. This game has a really good story. Though, the gameplay is…

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