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Age of Empires 4 – The List Review

Welcome to our first ever "The List Review" segments on We are looking at Age of Empires 4, kindly provided by Xbox Canada, and reviewed by Seth Roffel. List reviews will be quick reviews on popular franchises where the core gameplay is well known, but some of the specific ins and outs of the title might not be so apparent. So, without further ado, our The List Review for Age of Empires IV!

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Let’s Build a Zoo Coming November 5th and We’ve Played It!

If you've been itching to play a new Zoo Tycoon inspired adventure on your PC, then Let's Build a Zoo might scratch that itch. While it is definitely much different than classic Zoo Tycoon, there is enough the same to scratch that nostalgic itch and enough new to keep you entertained for hours on end. I've been playing it a bit, and have enjoyed the experience so far.

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Five ways of Improving Your Laptop Life

The new normal means so many of us are still working from home. That’s good for many, many reasons, but there are still a few issues. In particular, companies do insist on making us use their terrible, usually cheap laptops or tablets to connect back to the office. Not every computer can be a top of the line Apple product, or thousands of pounds. Not every laptop needs to be. But when you’re stuck on one tiny screen, with no…

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Being the Best at Scream Deathmatch in Call of Duty

As far as Halloween-themed game modes go, Call of Duty’s latest is a winner. Scream Deathmatch – I know! – has you play as either a witless victim or Scream in something completely unlike anything else in the game. In most games you’ll be tasked with simply surviving. Hide from two Scream killers for as long as you possibly can, earning points for every other survivor you outlast. But you’ll also take the role of the killer. You’ll be made…

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Getting To Grips with Far Cry 6

You’re new to Far Cry 6, to the Far Cry series or to video games entirely. There’s a huge island to explore and strange people trying to kill you. Where do you go? What do you do? Despite having a lot of guidance for new players, Far Cry 6 isn’t the easiest game to get to grips with. So for newbies to the title, series or genre, we have put together a simple guide to help ease you into things.…

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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Proves What Stadia Can Do

We picked a good time to jump into Assassin's Creed Stadia, with the pending launch of a 60fps mode and the ability for players to toggle between performance and graphics like they can on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. But even before this update lands, Assassin's Creed Valhalla is really a statement about what Google Stadia can offer players, even those not on outstanding Internet connections like myself.

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Far Cry 6 feat

Far Cry 6 Features – Yara’s Varied Encounters

Far Cry 6 takes a somewhat different approach, and provides more varied experiences, from the thick jungles to the big cities, there is something for everyone in Yara!

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Far Cry 6 Features – OCD Players Beware

Far Cry 6 has been one of my favourite games this year - I've enjoyed the story, how it unfolds, and the cool people you meet along the way. These are all staples of the Far Cry franchise, and most open world Ubisoft franchises for that matter. But the more I play Far Cry 6, the more I became concerned. "I'm not clearing the map! WHY AM I NOT CLEARING THE MAP!"

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Far Cry 6 Features – Enemy Weaknesses Key to Success

A group of writers here at GamesReviews have been playing through Far Cry 6 so we can provide you tons of content right ahead of launch. While some writers are plowing through the main story in order to bring you reviews, I'm taking a more relaxed and investigative approach, including diving deep into some of Far Cry 6's new features. Enemy weaknesses is a great addition to the Far Cry gameplay loop, and depending on your chosen difficulty, are vital to success.

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Netflix Joins the Acquisition Party – And the Big Players Need to Watch Out

If your next bet on a video game studio acquisition was Netflix, you must be some kind of wizard. But here we are – that’s exactly what has happened. Media giant Netflix has purchased Night School, the studio behind the Oxenfree and its upcoming sequel. Sean Krankel, of Night School Studio, said: “Night School wants to stretch our narrative and design aspirations across distinctive, original games with heart. “Netflix gives film, TV, and now game makers an unprecedented canvas to…

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