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2023: A Look at the Third Parties

My round-up of 2023 glossed over third party support. In a year that’s going to be dominated by first party bighitters, it seemed like there just wasn’t the space. But here we go: a closer look at some of the third party games that we’ll be talking about this time next year too. Some of them we’ll be talking about positively, others not so much. Some will surprise, others will disappoint. I’ve tried to avoid timed exclusives unless there’s absolute…

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2023: The Next Generation Begins

Welcome to 2023 – the first year of the next generation. And I don’t mean that sarcastically, and it’s not a dig at the games that have come until this point. This year is going to be the start of something brand new. That’s not all we have to look forward to. This year is going to see huge changes in the gaming world. We have the launch of a brand new VR device, and the potential completion of the…

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2022 In Review: The Last Year of Covid?

The gaming news started big in 2022 with the announcement that Microsoft were buying Activision. And it never quite reached that peak again. In terms of gaming news, in terms of the games themselves and in terms of the general state of the industry as a whole, 2022 feels like it was a bit of a wash. That’s not to say it was awful. There were plenty of highlights. But it felt like the final year of covid’s impact. Most…

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Hogwarts Legacy – Gameplay Showcase II (Video)

Hogwarts Legacy is getting closer to release. The next gen releases, for PS5 and Xbox Series, will be coming out in February. As the game gets closer, more footage is being shown of it. Yesterday, a second showcase was shown of it. The video is 30 some minutes long. We have it below, along with some thoughts on the game! Hogwarts Legacy looks amazing! The second showcase showed off flying on a broomstick and a creature, fighting using the dark…

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Xbox Price Rise is an Understandable Disappointment

Xbox games will increase from $60 to $70 starting next year, and that’s a massive disappointment. Any price rise is understandable, but still disappointing. They’re not the first to do it. They join the likes of Sony, Activision and others in raising their base prices. And, of course, it helps that all these games go into Game Pass day one anyway. The price rise will hit those unwilling to subscribe but still interested in playing the hardest. During a cost…

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Activision Deal Could be Decided Tomorrow

It’s been the best part of a year since Microsoft’s purchase of Activision was announced, and things have been heating up in the last 48 hours. The American regulator – the FTC – is meeting to vote on the deal tomorrow. If it’s approved, it could mean other regulators follow suit sooner rather than later. And Microsoft have been working hard to make sure it is approved. In the last two days, there has been announcement after announcement. All have…

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Upcoming Far Cry 6 Expansion Gets A Release Date

Far Cry 6’s upcoming expansion, Lost Between Worlds, has a release date. We have the news below. Far Cry 6’s upcoming expansion, Lost Between Worlds, has a release date. It will be coming out on December 6 for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Playstation 4/5, and PC. It’ll cost $19.99. The expansion pass will find the main character lost between worlds and helping alien repair their spaceship. Along the way, the player will face 15 challenging trials! The new DLC…

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Back To The Call of Duty Time Sink

There are regularly jokes about people buying Call of Duty and playing nothing but Call of Duty until the next game is out. Honestly, it’s easy to see why. Because you CAN. The amount of content these games offer up is unreal. Now, being able to alter and tinker with dozens of guns, in dozens of game modes both online and offline might not appeal to everybody. It doesn’t always appeal to me. But for those that it works for…

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PlayStation doesn’t NEED Call of Duty

In all the debates around Microsoft’s purchase of Activision, one has been the most frequent. How is PlayStation going to cope without Call of Duty? Should they have to? Is it fair? It’s been a while since we last looked at the Activision purchase. That’s mostly because a fat lot of nothing has happened. Decisions have been delayed, as you’d expect from a purchase of this size. A decision will still be made by the end of this financial year,…

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More Thoughts on Overwatch 2

It’s fair to say that Overwatch 2 has been the dominant game for me since it released. When I’m not playing it, I’m thinking about it. When I am playing it, I’m wondering why I’m not playing better. It’s still a great game. If anything, it’s a perfect team shooter let down by minor details (and its major battle pass problems). Today we will go through a few more of the issues I’ve found through extensively playing. Unfortunately, Overwatch is…

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