Ghostlight have today announced they’re bring Agarest: Generations of War – or Record of Agarest War if you want to go by its non-EU name – to PC. It’s currently in Steam Greenlight and seems to be attracting quite a following from potential purchasers. With enough votes, Agarest will be put up for sale on Steam. The port will be based upon the Xbox 360 version of the game. Known best for its incredible length, its five-generation epic storyline and…
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Papa & Yo Coming to PC, Pre-order on Steam
The rather charming Papa & Yo, formerly a PlayStation 3 exclusive, is on its way to PC. You can pre-order it off Steam right now for about a tenner (or $15 US), and that includes the fantastic soundtrack as well. It's a great chance for PC gamers to get a look at what I think was one of the more underrated digital releases last year.
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Evoland – Interview with Sebastien Vidal, CEO of Shiro Games
Evoland takes the key gameplay components many of us grew up with and melds them together into a game that not only relives some of the best adventures of the late-eighties and nineties, but also is just pretty fun in its own right. Beginning life as a Ludum Dare competition winner, Shiro Games built upon the initial concept and created something that anyone old enough to remember the massive change between Final Fantasy VI and VII, or how rapidly games…
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Kings & Warlords – Producer Interview
Kings & Warlords is a popular MMORTS game with tens of thousands of fans and many dedicated players. It's a genre that has grown in recent years, thanks in part to games like Farmville acting as a gateway to other, more fantasy-driven casual experiences. Today it's the genre of choice for film tie-ins - both The Godfather and The Hobbit have seen MMORTS games based upon them - and its popularity doesn't seem to be waning. We were lucky enough to be able to speak with the producer of Kings & Warlords, Miika Tams, about how developer Digital Chocolate ...
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Thief: Out of the Shadows Officially Unveiled
Square Enix have today officially unveiled the next Thief game. Subtitled Out of the Shadows, the new entry in the successful cult franchise will be released on PC, PS4 and “other next-gen consoles.” Aside from the trailer, very little was revealed about the game. It’s set in a city in which the poor are desperately waiting for something to change, and it allows the player to approach any given situation in a number of ways. Of course, it looks fantastic…
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Valve Confirm Half-Life 4 (But Check the Date…) – A Short History of Half-Life Hope
Of all the nonsense we'll see today, this is probably going to be the most annoying. Valve have placed an entry for Half-Life 4 into the Steam registry. After so many years of teasing for Half-Life 3, I'm sure there are more than a few fans who will find this a little close to the bone.
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Double Fine’s Next Game… Ships on a Floppy Disk
Double Fine are currently at PAX East, sharing a booth with Capy, with whom they have released a bundle on Steam. To commemorate their working together, a few developers have created a game: Capy Fine Racing GP, an Outrun-style retro game with a twist - it actually comes on a floppy disk.
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Square Enix Spring Sale: Hitman, FFVII and Sleeping Dogs £5, Tomb Raider 25% off
Square Enix are having a 75% off sale at their store, and there are plenty of great bargains to be had. Even the fantastic Tomb Raider, which has only been out a matter of weeks, has been reduced by 25% for the duration of the sale. Other must-have bargains are Hitman Absolution and Sleeping Dogs for £5 each, and the PC re-release of Final Fantasy VII is a fiver as well. Just Cause 2 can be had for £2.50, and…
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At last: Play the Best of Unleashed in Sonic Generations
It’s taken nearly a year of hard work, but the Unleashed Project mod for Sonic Generations takes the best bits from Sonic Unleashed and makes them even better. All of the day time levels have been ripped from the 360 version of the game, improved with better textures and occasional fixes and, as of yesterday, are now available for download and play in the PC version of Generations. Installation is very simple, and you won’t lose your Generation save game…
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Strategy-Hungry Gamers Pledge $40,000 to Kickstarter in 24 Hours
The turn-based strategy genre used to be a big hitter on PC and even managed to leak onto consoles occasionally. That was a long time ago though, and if you want something similar today you’ll need to be content with going with something a little older or something that’s not exactly what you want. Maybe that’s why KING Art Games are making Battle Worlds: Kronos, and why 1000 gamers hungry for a return of their favourite genre have given almost…
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