There have been hints before, but now it’s fair to say that Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII are almost certainly coming to Steam. The SteamDB page was updated yesterday to include a set of logos for both games. This is on top of each game receiving multiple updates over the last few months, and Final Fantasy VIII receiving achievements. Although nothing has been officially announced, with logos at the ready, it can only be a matter of time…
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Final Fantasy VII, VIII Definitely Coming to Steam – Logos Added to DB Page

Michael, Trevor and Franklin: 3 faces of GTA 5
Rockstar have released three trailers introducing the three heroes of Grand Theft Auto V. While many publishers may have chosen to spread the videos over time, Take Two and Rockstar have decided to unveil three simultaneously, putting the shot focus on an important aspect of GTA 5: there are three protagonists. Each have their own part in the plot, and stories will intersect as you play. The player will be able to move from character to character whenever they want.
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Dracula IV: The Shadow of the Dragon Unveiled
Anuman Interactive have released their first trailer for the next entry in the fan-favourite Dracula adventure series, as well as a set of images. The Shadow of the Dragon begins when a painting that should have been destroyed in a shipwreck turns up in Budapest. The player is tasked with finding out what has happened. It will be released for PC, Mac, iOS and Android in Summer of this year.
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Epic Citadel Hits HTML5
HTML5 tech truly is amazing, and there’s no better way of quickly checking it out than by running Epic Citadel, now available for play in browsers. Originally released to show off the Unreal Engine working on mobile devices, Epic Citadel is a beautiful tech demo that doesn’t take long to wander through and which shows the Unreal Engine will be a beast in browsers. The HTML5 version of the demo suffers from being too similar to its mobile counterpart. There’s…
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Mars War Logs Launches into Retail Space in UK
Mars War Logs is a decent looking action-RPG available at the reasonable price of £14.99 on Steam, and available soon, digitally, on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The PC version of the game has had its retail launch today as well, although I imagine it basically boils down to sticking a code into Steam anyway. Mars War Logs tells the story of a planet in the midst of a civil war. In a world where water is scarce, corporations battle…
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Neverwinter now on open beta
Perfect World and Cryptic Studios this week announced that Dungeons & Dragons: Neverwinter, the most anticipated MMORPG of 2013, has finally entered open beta. You can download and play for free.
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Lex Laser Saves The Galaxy, Again – Andrew Grant Interview
Lex Laser Saves the Galaxy, Again is a tactical puzzle RPG for Windows, Linux and Mac, with a tentative release date of the first half of 2014. Currently on Kickstarter, the team from Defiant Mouse are working towards gathering $65,000 towards the finished project, and are currently around 18% there. Within the game, Lex Laser must explore a huge alien world across multiple episodes, whilst collect mining samples and killing aliens. Defiant Mouse are billing it as a tactical rouge-like…
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Lord of the Rings Online: Helm’s Deep Expansion Announced
Warner Brothers have today announced the next expansion for Lord of the Rings Online. Helm’s Deep will let players take an important role in the famous battle alongside the likes of Théoden, while also expanding the virtual world of Middle-Earth to the west of Rohan. If that’s not enough, you’ll also be able to continue to level your character for a further 10 levels, right up to 95. Along with the new locations, new missions, new role in The Lord…
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Phil Fish is at it Again: “You should Boycott Harder, Nerds”
Fez may have been an above average game with a great idea behind it, but the biggest name behind the game, Phil Fish, sure as hell knows how to separate himself from his fanbase. After early reports that the game itself runs incredibly badly on PC (it renders at 720p and has Xbox 360 controller images regardless of how you’re playing the game), and talk of the Steam release being boycotted thanks to Fish’s poor customer relations, the fact that…
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SimCity 2.0 Coming April 22nd
Two months after its chaotic release, the problems are far from solved for SimCity. Many bugs continue to plague the gameplay for many players. Perhaps a part of the solution will come with this patch:
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