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Giraffe and Annika – Review

As a gamer we are often analyzing the value of a game by it’s length. We want the most bang for our buck, however at times games can overstay their welcome and become a fetch-quest driven chore of a time to complete. Giraffe and Annika is not that type of game, it is a charming fairy tale of an adventure game that can be beaten in 6 hours or less. A magical, mystery-filled adventure awaits! When a young girl named …

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From Battletoads to Bloodborne (and Back) – How Difficult Games Still Kick Our Butts

It’s Sunday afternoon in the summer. You’ve just eaten a big meal and you’re settling down to an hour in front of the TV. Battletoads. You blow the cartridge and put it in. Maybe, just maybe, this’ll be the time you make it past the second level. But probably not, because frankly you suck at this game. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there. If it wasn’t Battletoads, it might have been Mario, Punch Out, Ninja Gaiden or any other title…

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Riot Games’ seasonal event Spirit Blossom is a runaway success

Riot Games have set a new standard for seasonal in-game events with the spectacular cross-game, anime-themed offering named Spirit Blossom. The event will entice gamers into the world of Runeterra by offering thematically stunning visuals, a shared storyline to tie the lore of their games based in Runeterra together, themed missions, cosmetic skins and exclusive rewards. Cosmetics are popular with gamers for a variety of reasons. The first is simply fashion. Skins help players stand out in a crowd. With…

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Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time Is Available Today On PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and Windows PC

Once upon a time, there was a cartoon called Samurai Jack. It was toon about a Samurai who was lost in time and fighting an ancient evil called Aku. And now that cartoon is a brand new video game called Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time. Its available today! Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is available today for the Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Windows PC. The game costs $39.99 (US). I was a huge fan of the Samurai…

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Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Impressions

The year is 2020, the world is in a very strange place. While we mostly remain home being safe we find comfort in things we might normally not. Some pop culture experiences gained alot of traction due to our starvation for entertainment (see: Tiger King). Fall Guys is the best game to happen at the best time.     The gaming industry is FULL of various Battle Royale style games :(Fortnite, Apex, Rogue Company, COD, Etc) did we really need…

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Brunch Club Review

Once upon a time, games were made to work as well as possible, and any janky physics or annoying glitches were the result of mistakes or oversights by developers. Today, as with Brunch Club, janky physics and annoying glitches are the game. Apparently it’s fun. We’ve seen it time and time again. Goat Simulator and Surgeon Simulator put their awfulness front and centre. The only reason to buy into it is the memes. Brunch Club isn’t that bad, but it’s…

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Undermine Review

Undermine is the latest game in what’s starting to feel like a flood of roguelikes (or really, ‘roguelites’) hitting the market.  While it’s not pushing the boundaries of innovation, it’s a polished experience and one that stands out in an increasingly crowded genre. The cadre of miners that the player controls get a pickax and bombs.  The pickax can be swung or thrown and to avoid damage, you can jump.  Jumping is what provides the crucial invincibility frames in a…

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Creative Cam Sync HD Webcam Review

With many computers, monitors, and obviously laptops coming with built in webcams today, it's not often that folks every look online for an actual, standalone webcam device. Unless you are streaming - in which case you are probably using an expensive alternative camera - buying a webcam online might be a bit foreign to you. It's not until you get one - or see a review of one, like ours here - that you realize how inadequate your built in webcam really is, and how much better your experience will be with an HD webcam doing 1080p. Did I tell you that this could ...

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Maid of Sker – Impressions

Maid of Sker is a first-person survival horror, set in a remote hotel with a macabre history from Welsh folklore. Brave the nightmares of the Quiet Men. When they arrive, do not panic — don’t even breathe. Based on the haunting true story of Elizabeth Williams, you play as Thomas Evans, a musician who is thrust into a terrifying battle to save the woman he loves. Set in 1898 in and around Sker House, a real dwelling that still stands…

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TCL 10 L f

TCL 10 L Review

TCL is making a name for themselves in the display manufacturing space, a area once dominated by Samsung and LG. Over the years, TCL displays have become better and better, and TCL TVs are becoming more popular and a go-to choice for many consumers. With the launch of the TCL 10 Pro and TCL 10 L smartphones, the company is officially placing it’s label on the mobile marketplace, and with some stunning results. Here are my early impressions of the TCL 10L after about a week of use! Our full review of the 10 L, and the differences in the 10 Pro, will be posted soon!

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