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Chronicle Keepers: The Dreaming Garden Review

After an evil force abruptly attacks and steals away her mother, young Kinnat heads on a magical adventure to get her back at all costs. Traveling through a book called the Chronicle, Kinnat finds herself transported to a parallel world of magic and mystery with new challenges around every corner. An engaging and unique hidden object point-and-click game, Chronicle Keepers: The Dreaming Garden is a fun buy at a reasonable price.

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The Evil Within: The Executioner Review

Controlling (now in first-person, for the first time in the series so far) an unnamed man who appears to be (at least in physical appearance) one of the main antagonists from The Evil Within – The Keeper. Nicknamed ‘safe head’ by fans and developers, the lumbering butcher’s face is entirely hidden by a safe-like helmet filled to the brim with pulsing flesh and blood. Carrying a huge meat tenderizer hammer covered in spikes and a bag filled with the brains of his victims, The Keeper is a force to be reckoned with. In this third DLC installment, the player now ...

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The Charnel House Trilogy Review

Death, loss, fear, and hatred are all emotions that surround the dark and unforgiving world portrayed in The Charnel House Trilogy. A 2D point and click adventure with a retro look, Charnel House has the charm of a small developer’s game, but the ambition of something much larger. Very quickly into launching the game, you become enveloped in the world it offers, dying to know more information that then increasingly vague answers given to you. This 3-part story published by indie game company Owl Cave is short, but sweet and wastes no time easing you into ...

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Spirits of Xanadu Review

Xanadu is an abandoned space ship littered with blood trails, cryptic audio logs, murderous robots, and intense mystery surrounding the events that have taken place there. Originally a research ship orbiting a strange planet, there has been no contact with the crew for months, and one single operative has been sent in to investigate and hopefully bring them home. Acting as this lone investigator, the player navigates their way through this shadowy and terrifying ship trying to find answers while avoiding the many enemies lurking in the dark hallways. A ...

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Dreamfall Chapters: Book 2 Review

After a short and unexpected delay, the second book of the game Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey was released this March. Book One: Reborn, released back in October of last year was the first release for the series after an 8 year break during which the game’s creator Ragnar Tornquist reached out to Kickstarter to get support in making the third game in the franchise. Due to the huge gap in time, this third game offers much more advanced graphics and the ability for Tornquist to see more of his ideas realized. It is because of Tornquist’s perfectionism ...

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Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Review

I've just recently begun getting back into the point and click adventure game genre. I plowed through King's Quest 5, 6, and 7, and the Monkey Island series. I was about to jump into another franchise when I saw a tweet from Evolve PR our of BC, Canada. It read along the lines of: "If you are not playing The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 you should be." So I did. If you have fond memories of 90s point and click heyday, you will find lots of love in this awesome title from the people over at KING Art Games.

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Evolve Review

The terrain of the planet Shear is devastatingly dangerous and exceptionally beautiful. The planet was populated in an effort to establish colonies far in the distant future. However, when vicious and ruthless monsters began to destroy the civilization, the plant became a warzone. The graphics and story created for the new hit FPS MMO Evolve are unique and enchanting and tell the story of Shear’s birth, death, and rescue with beautiful style. The planet is equal parts treacherous and stunning and the hunters who sneak through its terrain to hunt down the ...

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Cities XXL Review

Simulation city-building games have been popular ever since the release of the highly acclaimed and somewhat revolutionary Sim City franchise began. While games that allow the player to control locations or people have always had a niche, Sim City created the ability to not just control one small sub-section of a society, like a theme park or a mall, but allowed players to control an entire city. With the player usually acting as the mayor of said city, they make decisions about labor and production for their citizens and must gauge how important the ...

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Overture Review

Recently action-adventure rogue-like games have made a huge comeback. With notable successes recently such as The Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne, this game-type is seeing resurgence. The most recent in the line is Overture. Allowing the player to control a 16-bit hero and navigate them through randomly generated dungeons across the world, Overture is fun, fast-paced, and non-stop action.

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JumpJet Rex Review

Every once in a while, a game developer and creator is not a man in a business suit thinking of what unnecessary spin-off or disappointing sequel game will bring in the big bucks. Sometimes it is just a group of young men who grew up on video games, play them every day, and have always dreamed of the opportunity to make them. One of Steam’s newest early access games is the birth child of just that kind of group of guys. A nostalgia bomb side-scroller than will win the heart of any gamer, JumpJet Rex, the tale of a space dino trying to save the world, needs to ...

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