Final Fantasy 7 was first released on the Playstation 1. Since then, a port of it has appeared on the PC, Playstation 4, and elsewhere. The game has never appeared on a Nintendo console…until now. Final Fantasy 7 is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop. How does the game hold up on the Nintendo’s handheld console? Here is my review of Final Fantasy 7 for the Nintendo Switch. Final Fantasy 7 for the Playstation 1 has a lot of…
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Mechstermination Force
Do you remember Shadow of the Colossus? Its the game where you have to climb giants and defeat them! What if you took that idea and turned it into a 2D action shooter? You might have Mechstermination Force for the Nintendo Switch! But would you have a good game? Mechstermination Force is an 2D action shooter that has you facing off against giant robots/creatures. Each “level” is a giant boss fight and thats it. This boss fights are beyond epic…
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More Thoughts From Me #165: R.I.P. Toys-To-Life Genre
The Toys-to-Life Genre is dead! Long Live the Toys-To-Life Genre. LEGO Dimensions is gone, Disney Infinity is gone, Skylanders is gone, and Starlink didn’t do that well. The Toys-To-Life genre is on its way out. Is there any hope at all? What did I think of this genre? Lets take a look at Toys-to-life! I never got into the toys-to-life genre a lot. I almost didn’t get into it at all. A few years ago, LEGO Dimensions was on sale…
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Metagal Review
I like Mega Man but I’m not a die hard fan of the franchise. If there wasn’t another Mega Man game made tomorrow, I’d be ok. I thought it was cool that Capcom did another Mega Man game, though I felt no need to rush out and buy it. So when Metagal, an obvious Mega Man clone, was offered to me as a review game, I was interested but not too excited. And now that I’ve played the game, what…
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Yoshi’s Crafted World – Launch Trailer
Yoshi’s Crafted World is out today! You can check out the launch trailer for the game below. Have you read Adam Roffel’s review of Yoshi’s Crafted World yet? Its here. Are you planning to pick up Yoshi’s Crafted World today?…
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Wolfenstein: Youngblood Gets A July Release Date for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch
Wolfenstein: Youngblood, the sequel to Wolfenstein 2, will be coming out in July. The game hit all platforms, including the Nintendo Switch, on the same day! Wolfenstein: Youngblood will come to the Playstation 4, PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on July 26th. The story will focus on the children on the main guy from the first game. The gameplay will be similar to the first Wolfenstein. I enjoyed Wolfenstein 2 a lot on the Nintendo Switch. I was amazed…
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FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster – Your Story Begins (Trailer)
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD is coming to the Nintendo Switch on April 16th. Check out a trailer for the game below. I played Final Fantasy X on the Playstation 2 and loved it. Its one of my all-time favorite Final Fantasy games. As for X-2, its not as great as the first game, however its unique job system is pretty cool! I look forward to playing both these games again. If gets the chance, we’ll provide our readers with…
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FINAL FANTASY VII – “Return to Gaia” (Launch Trailer)
Final Fantasy VII came out for the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One today. Here is the launch trailer for the game! Wow, this trailer really brings back memories. I played this game back on the Playstation 1 and love it. Final Fantasy VII was the game that got me into rpgs. Did you play Final Fantasy VII when it came out? Will you download it for the Nintendo Switch or Xbox One?…
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Steamworld Quest Will Journey to the Switch in April
Image and Form announced today that their next game, Steamworld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech, will be out in April for the Nintendo Switch. Check out a release date trailer (with new game footage) and more details below. Steamworld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech will be out on April 25th for the Nintendo Switch. The game will cost $24.99 / €24.99 / £22.49. I think that Steamworld Quest looks really good. The new footage is especially impressive! The graphics looks great and…
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More Thoughts From Me #164: You Have Xbox Games On My Switch!
What is going on with Microsoft and Nintendo? First, we got Minecraft, then we crossplay with Xbox One, and now Cuphead is coming to the Nintendo Switch! Microsoft and Nintendo have a really unique relationship right now and one of things that is rumored for a future addition to that relationship is Xbox Game Pass on the Switch. Could such a thing happen?! I don’t know. I usually don’t even comment on rumors but I really want this one to…
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