The Metroidvania genre is pretty popular these days. A lot of developers want to create a great game in the style of Metroid and Castlevania. Some developers succeed at this while others only create pale imitations. forma.8 for Nintendo Switch is a Metroidvania game for the eshop. Is it a good one or should you avoid it altogether? forma.8 begins with a mysterious cutscene that sets up the game. This scene doesn’t really explain anything about what is going on.…
Read MoreNintendo Switch Categories
Ubisoft announces Mario + Rabbids Season Pass
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle for Nintendo Switch will be out next week. If the main game isn’t enough for you, then get ready for some DLC! Ubisoft announced a season pass today for Mario + Rabbids and we have the details below. Mario + Rabbids will be out on August 29th. On the same day, players will be able to buy a season pass for the game. The pass will cost $19.99. What will be included in the season…
Read MoreRocket League- Nintendo Switch Battle-Cars Trailer
When Rocket League was announced for the Nintendo Switch, a lot of people were excited for it. I had never heard of the game before. Now that I know what it is, I am a bit skeptical that I’d like it. That said, something was revealed today for the game that I thought was pretty cool! Check out the trailer below and then we’ll talk about it. Rocket League on the Nintendo Switch is going to get three exclusive cars!…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me #82: The Truth Is Still Out There
I’m about to carbon date myself a little. I remember when the X-Files originally started in the 90s. I was just a kid. I had never seen a show like the X-Files before. Two FBI agents, Mulder and Scully, investigated aliens, monsters, and other stuff every week. And when I got a chance to play an X-Files PC game, I jumped at it. I’m not a PC gamer, but I do love point & click games. While I don’t remember…
Read MoreOne More Dungeon crawls onto the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Vita This Year
Ratalaika Games is of the best Indie publishers out there. They have a new game, League of Evil, coming to the Switch next week! And today they announced that they will be bringing another game, One More Dungeon, to the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Vita later this year. One More Dungeon, developed by Stately Snail will be coming to the Nintendo Switch, Vita, and PlayStation 4 later this year thanks to Ratalaika Games. The game is a first person…
Read MoreLEGO Worlds Is Coming to Nintendo Switch – Teaser Trailer
LEGO Worlds will be coming to the Nintendo Switch next month. Check out this new teaser trailer for the game. LEGO Worlds is coming out for the Nintendo Switch on September 5th. I enjoyed Minecraft on Wii U but LEGO Worlds looks even more exciting. Creating worlds and other things with LEGO blocks looks fun! The trailer above showed off a lot of variety for the game too. Also, imagine being able to play this game no matter where you…
Read MoreZoink and EA Will Bring FE to Nintendo Switch
When I played Stick It to the Man on Wii U, I became a Zoink! fan. The developer has such an odd and wonderful sense of humor in their games. I never did get to play Zombie Vikings since it wasn’t on a Nintendo platform but it looked great too! And now, I’m happy to report that one of Zoink’s upcoming games, FE, has been announced for the Nintendo Switch. FE, an upcoming game from Zoink!, has been announced for…
Read MoreLEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Chronopolis Trailer
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 is coming out later this year! We find out more about it all the time. And now with Gamescom going, the makers of Lego Marvel 2 have released a new trailer. Take a look at the trailer and then please come back for my opinion on it. Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 looks really exciting. This new trailer is possibly the best yet. There are so many different places that you can visit in this…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me Special Edition: I Have A Switch!
I thought I wasn’t going to get a Nintendo Switch till Christmas. And then, one day recently, I found out we were able to get a Nintendo Switch! We called up Gamestop and found out that they had two systems left. We went over there, picked up the system, a 64 GB micro SD card, and two games! I came home and…well, let me tell you about it in the rest of my column ok? Welcome to a More Thoughts…
Read MoreSonic Mania Review
When I heard another Sonic game was going to be release, I - along with almost everyone else - was pretty skeptical as things have not been great as of late for the blue blur. That being said, I've looked forward to every Sonic release since first playing the games back on the SEGA Genesis, so despite having some reservation about how this title would perform, I had some nostalgic excitement none-the-less. After going through most of the game, enjoying numerous bosses and bonus stages, I can say this is the happiest I've been playing a Sonic game in a long ...
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