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Nintendo Switch Categories


Squareboy VS. Bullies: Arena Edition Review

I remember playing games like Double Dragon and Spider-man Maximum Carnage when I was younger. I wasn't that big on Double Dragon but liked the Spider-man game a lot. They were both pretty basic, walking left to right beat 'em ups. You don't see these types games too often anymore. Enter Squareboy VS. Bullies: Arena Edition for Nintendo Switch

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More Thoughts From Me #90: Mario’s Odyssey is Almost Here

The Nintendo Switch has had a really big first year: a Zelda game, tons of great Indies, third party games (Skyrim!), and coming very soon: a 3D Mario game! Super Mario Odyssey comes out this month and it could very be the biggest and best to come out for Switch this year. That a pretty bold statement too when you think of Breath of Wild and all the great Indies and third games like Skyrim (not even out yet but…

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Fire Emblem Warriors Launch Trailer

Fire Emblem Warriors is coming out for the Nintendo Switch and New 3DS this Friday, October 20th. Nintendo released a launch trailer for the game today. Please take a look at the trailer and then come back here for my thoughts on the game! Fire Emblem Warriors will be out for the Nintendo Switch and the New 3DS this Friday. I think its likely that the Switch version will be the better of the two, but I wouldn’t count the…

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Surviving on the River: A Look at The Flame In the Flood for Nintendo Switch

Grab your walking stick, your best dog, and your raft because we are going on an adventure. You’ll have to keep your wits about you and pick up as much supplies  as you can on the way. Don’t forget to eat, drink water, and sleep. This is going to be a big adventure. Welcome to The Flame In the Flood for Nintendo Switch. I hope you don’t starve to death or drown or get gored by some wild creature… The…

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Unpacking Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure

3D platformers are the “in” thing again and so we’ve been seeing a lot more of them than we have of 2D platformers. Sure, 2D platformers are still “in” but you have to be called Shovel Knight or Steamworld to really make a huge go of it. People want 3D platformers now and they are getting them. The newest of the 3D platformers to come to the Nintendo Switch is Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure. I am playing the game for review,…

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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Review

Although wildly popular, I've never been a huge fan of the Dragonball Universe nor do I have an affinity for fighting games. That being said, Dragonball Xenoverse 2 does everything a little bit different, making it the ideal game for long time fans and new players. While jumping into franchises with years and years of history is often a daunting task, the story and flow of Xenoverse 2 is the perfect combination of story, characters, and combat that will work for long time fans and new arrivals. Even though a fighting game is pretty low on my list of must play ...

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Earth Atlantis Review

What do you get when you mix a “space shooter” with an undersea Metroidvania? If you answered Earth Atlantis, then you’re right! In this shooter, you control a submarine that investigates the ocean for monsters big and small. There’s a lot of shooting and a lot of exploration in this game too. Sounds like an interesting mix right? Well, you’ll just have to read my review to find out if I liked Earth Atlantis for the Nintendo Switch. The story…

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An Elephant Never Forgets: A Look At Yono and the Celestial Elephants for Nintendo Switch

Yono and the Celestial Elephants is cute. Let us get that out of the way first. This is a really cute game. You might look at it and go “Oh, thats just a kids game.” But is it “just” a kids game or is this a game that anyone could enjoy? Here is my preview of Yono and the Celestial Elephants for Nintendo Switch! I remember seeing a preview for Yono and the Celestial Elephants and thinking it looked neat.…

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Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 Story Trailer

Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 will be coming to the Nintendo Switch (and other systems) next month! We are finding out more and more about this game all time. And a new trailer was released for the game today! Check out the trailer and then come back for my impressions on the game, plus some more details about the game and its upcoming DLC. Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 will be coming to the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One…

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One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition Review

I'm not a fan of Anime. I've spoken about my dislike of Pokemon before but generally, I'm not a big fan of the manga/anime genre overall. And yet, I decided I wanted to review One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition because I thought the gameplay looked interesting.

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