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Fe Review

Although it does not happen often - although to be honest, it's become more common each year - every time a moody, charming indie game hits the marketplace on Xbox One, the store on PlayStation, or the Nintendo eShop, the collective video game world tends to lose their mind in excitement and praise. For a reference point, I look back on Unravel and Ori and the Blind Forest, two games that tugged on the emotions of players as they were carried through and exceptional experience. Enter Fe, an other game in this growing 'genre' that does the exact same thing. ...

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Bayonetta Review-in-progress Part 2

On Wednesday, we talked about the first Bayonetta’s visuals. Today the game comes out for the Nintendo Switch! And this is really just the perfect moment to talk about Bayonetta’s gameplay. The graphics on a game can be great, but if the gameplay sucks, well, than the game will be forgotten faster then this review-in-progress! So how does Bayonetta play on the Nintendo Switch? When you use the analog stick and button controls on Bayonetta, this game plays really well.…

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Bayonetta 2 Review

If you never got around to owning a Wii U - or if you did but never got a chance to play Bayonetta 2 - Nintendo is giving you the ability to play both Bayonetta 1 and 2 ahead of the launch of Bayonetta 3 later this year. While my colleague Daniel has been working on our review of Bayonetta, I've been working on Bayonetta 2. Although it hasn't been that long since we all had the opportunity to play Bayonetta 2 on the Wii U, I think it was very important for Nintendo to bring the whole trilogy to the Switch. But has there been any improvements in the two years ...

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Express your Creativity in Toy-Con Garage only with Nintendo Labo

Nintendo Labo is launching this April, and Nintendo has release more information today via a series of videos. One of the newly announced and detailed features is the Toy-Con garage, a area of the Toy-Con game that allows you to use your knowledge of how the pre-designed Toy-Cons work, and to create something entirely your own.

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New Nintendo Labo Videos Posted Today

Nintendo has really been pushing the Nintendo Labo title ever since it was announced in early January, via tech demos for media in Europe and the United States, and through various videos posted to their YouTube video. Today, Nintendo launched three more Labo videos for your enjoyment, packed full of new stuff! You can check them all out below!

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Bayonetta Review-in-progress Part 1

The first Bayonetta is coming to the Nintendo Switch this Friday (Feb. 16th, along with the second game). Are you excited?! I would say that some, if not most, of you should be. Meanwhile I’m not a huge fan of Bayonetta, as I hinted at in my preview, but I do think its a great game. My full review isn’t ready yet, but I wanted to do this review in progress to highlight some of the reasons why this game…

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More Thoughts From Me #107: Three Tactical RPGS Attack the Switch

I played Mercenaries  Saga 2 and 3 on the 3DS. I enjoyed the second one a lot, but never could get into the third one for some reason. And yet when Mercenaries Saga Chronicles for the Nintendo Switch was announced, I was excited! The first game had never been released on the 3DS so I didn’t play it. I was excited to play that, play the second one again, and give the third one another chance. Plus, come on, three…

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Press Release: Splatoon 2 Starter Edition Launches March 16

If you haven’t bought Splatoon 2 yet, then you definitely should wait until March 16th! Nintendo will be releasing a new special edition for the title and it looks like fans who haven’t bought the title yet should get this one. Check out the press release below for more information on this edition of Splatoon 2 and also details on the two new Splatoon 2 amiibo coming this year. “Vancouver, B.C., Feb. 12, 2018 — Fans who don’t yet own…

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The Darkside Detective Review

I am a huge point and click Adventure game fan. When I got a review copy of the latest point and click game for the Nintendo Switch, The Darkside Detective, I was really excited. This game looked really good. So is it? The Darkside Detective, much like King’s Quest and Space Quest from the PC era, does not take itself seriously. There are so many jokes in this game. Some of the dialogue in this game is funny and some…

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Switching to Bayonetta

On the Wii U, I played a demo of Bayonetta but I never played the full game. I didn’t know if the game would be something I’d like or not. When Adam Roffel asked if I wanted to review Bayonetta for the Nintendo Switch, I said yes. Would I like Bayonetta? I wasn’t sure, but I knew there were a lot of people who liked it on Wii U. Is Bayonetta a good game on the Switch? Here’s my preview…

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