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Mulaka Review

I wrote about Mulaka previously. I like this game a lot. Do I recommend that you download this game right after reading this review? Read on to find out my final thoughts about Mulaka. Mulaka’s setting and characters are really interesting and different from what we’ve seen from other games on the Nintendo Switch eshop so far. But does all this make for a good story? I’d say the story is interesting, the characters are interesting, and the dialogue usually…

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Transported to the Wonderful World of Mulaka

When I first saw Mulaka for the Nintendo Switch, I was impressed by its graphics right away. This game, of course, is not the first game for Nintendo Switch to be 3D and Polygonal. Morphite was the first game that I played on the Switch with such graphics. However Mulaka is doing something different from Morphite or any other game I’ve seen with this type of art style. Mulaka is colorful and infused with a very unique and stunning premise.…

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More Details for Detective Pikachu

We know when we will be getting Detective Pikachu but we can all admit that the games has been cloaked in a cloud of mystery. Yesterday that changed, with yet another trailer detailing some of the things coming in this 3DS release.

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Luigi’s Balloon World Added to Super Mario Odyssey

During the last Nintendo Direct, a free update to Super Mario Odyssey was mentioned. Last night, Nintendo released the update! Luigi’s Balloon World was added to the game. There were some other things added too. For more details on this addition to the game, please read on below. Nintendo of America (and Canada!) announced last night that Luigi’s Balloon World has been added to Super Mario Odyssey. This new mini-game has players collecting balloons for a high score. You can…

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Shining Resonance Refrain – Announce Trailer

Sega announced yesterday that Shining Resonance Refrain will be coming west! We have the announcement trailer below, plus some thoughts from me about the game. Shining Resonance Refrain will be coming to the Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Sega is bringing the game west this summer. The trailer above just shows a lot of cutscenes and not much gameplay. I wish we had seen what the battles would be like in the game and gotten a sense…

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Old Man’s Journey Review

When I first saw Old Man’s Journey for the Nintendo Switch, I assumed it was an Adventure game. And while Old Man’s Journey does have a little bit of Adventure, it is most definitly a puzzle game at heart. It is also unlike anything else currently on the Nintendo Switch. Is that a good thing? Will you want to check out Old Man’s Journey? I love Old Man’s Journey’s story. There is no dialogue whatsoever in this game. I’m a…

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Bayonetta Nintendo Switch Review

Please check out my review-in-progress part 1 and part 2 of Bayonetta. Also you can check out Adam Roffel’s review of Bayonetta 2. What do I think of Bayonetta 1 though? What’s the final vedicit? Is the first Bayonetta a good game? The story in Bayonetta is very hooky. Basically the game has a B-movie style plot. The dialogue is what you’d expect from such a movie too: corny with a lot of cursing. And to make matters worse, there…

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Snakebyte Power Pack for Nintendo Switch Review

One of the downsides of the Nintendo Switch is that when on the go, the battery might not always last as long as you might like it, especially when on long car rides or while flying. This can be remedied by having a nexternal battery and a USB-C cable, but that can become a clunky mess, and add extra items you then need to be accountable for. Enter the Power Pack from Snakebyte, a light weight battery pack that clips to the back of your Nintendo Switch, extending the life of your system while on the go. With it's built in stand, it is the perfect travel ...

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More Thoughts From Me #108: So Very Addicted to Dragon Quest Builders

I wish I wasn’t writing this column right now. I’m much rather be playing Dragon Quest Builders for the Nintendo Switch. However, I promised you all a column this week about Dragon Quest Builders, so here I am. Lets get this over so I can go back to the game ok? Dragon Quest Builders for the Nintendo Switch is so very addictive. I wasn’t sure at first. Don’t get me wrong: I loved the demo. Then I played the full…

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God Wars: The Complete Legends is coming to the Nintendo Switch

NIS America, creators of Disgaea, have announced a new strategy rpg today. And the game is coming to the Nintendo Switch. God Wars: The Complete Legends is the game in question. We have a trailer for it and my thoughts on God Wars below. I love strategy rpgs. I’m definitely a fan of Disgaea dood. So I think its really exciting that God Wars: The Complete Legends is coming to the Nintendo Switch. The cutscenes in the trailer remind me…

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