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Daemon X Machina feat

Suit up, Reclaimers! DAEMON X MACHINA is now available!

Now it’s time for you to survive this apocalyptic new age as a Reclaimer by piloting powerful mechs called Arsenals in the DAEMON X MACHINA, game, now available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch system.

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Ring Fit Adventure feat

Ring Fit Adventure Coming to Nintendo Switch

Earlier this week, Nintendo teased an upcoming fitness game by releasing a trailer of individuals using two new Nintendo Switch accessories, a fitness wring that reacts to your pushes, pulls, and movements, and a Joy-Con leg strap that we all assumed measured lower body movement. Today, Nintendo released a longer, 7 minute video showcasing their newest products: the Ring Fit Adventure game, the Ring-Con, and the Leg Strap.

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The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening – Nintendo Switch Preview

Thanks to Nintendo of Canada, we have begun playing our way through The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening on the Nintendo Switch. As you would assume from a remaster, the new game is very much in line with the original and DX releases, with a few notable, quality of life changes. In our early time with the game, there are many things to marvel at, and a few that raise some questions. Let’s dive in!

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Daemon X Machina feat

Daemon X Machina Review

Daemon X Machina, the mech-shooter developed by MARVELOUS!, is set to release on Nintendo Switch this Friday, September 13th. Daemon X Machina puts you in the driver’s seat of the awesome battle-mechs called ‘Arsenals’ – which, if we’re being honest, look like something straight out of the Gundam universe – and pits you against the overwhelming number of AI controlled tanks and other vehicles that you must prevent from taking over the world. While not the most original storyline, any robot fighting game is worth taking a closer look it. Let’s dive right in!

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forager feat

Forager: Preview

The upcoming 2D open world adventure, Forager, is coming to retail on Tuesday, October 22nd, for the PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo Switch. The game is being distributed by Nighthawk Interactive, and all boxed copies contain an exlusive poster, as well as some stickers.

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Star Ocean First Departure R – Promotion Trailer

Star Ocean First Departure R will be coming to the Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4 in December. Check out the new trailer for the game below. Star Ocean First Departure R will be coming to the Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4 on December 5, 2019! I have never played this game before. I did play one of the other, more three dimensional Star Oceans and didn’t care for it. This Star Ocean, on the other hand, has retro graphics and…

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More Thoughts From Me #186: Super Nintendo Meets the Switch

I was going to write Batman: Arkham Knight for this entry of More Thoughts. Then I discovered…I did not like Batman: Arkham Knight. So instead of complaining about a game I didn’t like, I thought I’d talk about SNES games on the Switch. We have them now. 20 games were launched last week! What do I think of them? Twenty Super Nintendo (SNES) games came to the Nintendo Switch last week. Nintendo Online members can download a SNES app to…

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Fifty Words by POWGI

Fifty Words by POWGI is a word search game by Lightwood Games. If you’ve read any of my previous reviews of their games, you’ll know that I’m a big fan! I especially love their word games. Sooner or later though, they have to have a bad word game right? Here’s my review of Fifty Words by POWGI! Fifty Words by POWGI is a word search game on par or perhaps better than previous efforts by Lightwood Games. I did not…

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Legend of the Skyfish

There are a lot of games that want to be The Legend of Zelda. Some of these Zelda clones are good and some of them are bad. Legend of the Skyfish for the Nintendo Switch isn’t exactly a Zelda clone but some of its gameplay is similar to the classic 2D Zelda games. How is Legend of the Skyfish? Is it a game worth playing? Check out my review of Legend of the Skyfish for the Nintendo Switch! Legend of…

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Headliner: NoviNews

I am addicted to Headliner: NoviNews for the Nintendo Switch. I just can’t stop playing this game. I’ve beaten the game several times now and I keep going back for more. What is Headliner: NoviNews? Why is it so addictive? Here is my review of Headliner: NoviNews for the Nintendo Switch! Warning though, there may be some spoilers for the game in this review! In Headliner: NoviNews, you are the editor at major news outlit in a country that is…

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