Nintendo announced today that there will be a Direct tomorrow. Read on below for more information and my thoughts on the Nintendo Direct. Nintendo has announced a Direct for March 8, 2018. Hey that’s tomorrow! The Nintendo Direct will cover 3DS and Nintendo Switch games. New details of Mario Tennis will be revealed for sure. Kirby Star Allies is coming out this month for the Switch and will most likely be shown in this Direct. Detective Pikachu is coming out…
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When Reviewing, Who Is Your Review Score Aimed At?
The hardest part about doing a review is putting the score out of 10 or 100 at the end. Many websites have gone ahead and done away with review scores, but it doesn't seem to be a popular choice with many gamers. Believe it or not, review scores mean a lot to many people, and purchasing decisions are ultimately driven by scores on metacritic. A problem with scores is evident every time I sit down with what many would deem a kids game, and the thought of writing this piece is driven by my time with Kirby Stars Allies.
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Machine Knight Review
There are not too many developers releasing 3DS eshop games at anymore. Most of the developers have switched over to the Switch. One of the developers that it is still putting out games for the 3DS is KEMCO. Their newest game for the system is called Machine Knight. It is a jrpg. What do I think of it? Read on to find out! Machine Knight has an interesting story, although I do wish it had a little less dialogue. The…
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The Alliance Alive Demo Impressions
Atlus is on a roll this year with 3DS jpgs. First they released Radiant Historia this month. Next month they’ll release The Alliance Alive and after that they’ll bring Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux to the 3DS also! And best of all, players got to check out Radiant Historia via a demo this month. We just got a demo of The Alliance Alive yesterday too. I played that demo, beat it, and now I want to tell you what…
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More Thoughts From Me #109: What Are the Nintendo 3DS Games of 2018?
Nintendo is currently very focused on the Nintendo Switch. They released a ton of games for the system and will be releasing even more this year. And yet, they still have the 3DS too and have said there will be games for it this year. They have already released a new Kirby game in January and will release Detective Pikachu in March. But will there be other games? What will those other games be? I love the Nintendo Switch. I…
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More Thoughts From Me #106: Is it A Legend or A Legacy?
I’ve been playing Legend of Legacy lately for the 3DS. Its a jrpg that is mostly focused on combat and exploration. What do I think of the game so far? Let’s find out! Legend of Legacy for the 3DS has a lot of good points. The game’s graphics are really good, the battle system is a lot of fun, and uncovering maps in new areas is pretty neat. However, not everything about the game is perfect. There is hardly any…
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Radiant Historia 3DS Demo Available Today
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is coming out this month for the 3DS. The game is a DS remake. Atlus and Sega will be bringing the game to the 3DS. Today, a demo was released for the game. Here are my first impressions of the Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology demo! Also check out the story trailer below for more info on the game. Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology will come out for the 3DS this month. Today I got a first look…
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Nintendo Switch Sales Surpass Wii U
Although no one will be surprised that this has happened, many will be surprised it happen this quickly. As of Nintendo's latest financial release, the Nintendo Switch is sitting just shy of 15 million unit sold, which easily topples the lifetime sales of the Wii U, which currently sits at roughly 13.5 million. For Nintendo, this is fantastic news. For Nintendo fans, this is also fantastic news, as the company is likely to continue rolling out fantastic experiences for it's consumer base!
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Pokémon Crystal Launches Today on Nintendo eShop
Many people may have forgotten that Nintendo made this announcement late last year, but today, Pokémon Crystal - originally launched on the Gameboy Color in 2000 - is releasing on the Nintendo eShop today! Widely considered one of the best Pokémon games launched to date, the title can be yours for about $15.00, and incredible value in my opinion. Check out all the details from the Pokémon Company, outlined below!
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Image & Form and Zoink Join Forces under Thunderful Banner
Two of my favorite Swedish developers - Image & Form and Zoink Games - have combined together under the Thunderful banner. Between the two companies, they have 46 employees, 20 years of being in the industry, 16 games released, and 9 games in development. The studios behind indie hits Steamworld Digg and Stick It To The Man are working on new titles currently, most notably FE which is being published by Electronic Arts. This is only good news for the game industry, combining two of the best into one! Check out the release below!
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