Pokemon X and Y have been out for a short while now, and it's no secret that the Poke-freaks out there have already managed to get through to the end. There's no doubt whatsoever that these people would consume every single piece of Pokemon content going, so it only makes sense that there would be DLC for X and Y, right?
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UK Retailers Offering 2DS for £99
Select UK retail outlets are now selling the Nintendo 2DS for £99, according to a report from MCV. The best deal is at Argos, which not only offers the 2DS at the discounted price, but it comes with two extra games: LEGO The Lord of the Rings, and Moshi Monsters: Katsuma Unleashed. The sans 3D handheld can also be purchased for £99 online courtesy of Tesco Direct and Amazon. Those that prefer the brick and mortar experience can find this…
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Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Review
Platform games are having something of a return to popularity, and it's about time. While Mario and Sonic remained regular parts of the gaming community, the likes of Rayman disappeared completely for a while. Even Donkey Kong - one of Nintendo's most recognisable characters- was resigned to guest appearances, mini-games, bongo playing and Super Smash Brothers.
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Changed Due To 2DS
Eiji Aonuma, producer of Nintendo’s Zelda series, stated in a Gamespot interview that The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds had to be altered for the 2DS. The reason behind these changes is that, originally, some of the puzzles were designed to be solved by using 3D. However, when the 2DS was announced and then released, the developers had to make some changes to accommodate 2DS users. Here’s more of what Aonuma had to say on the matter: “It’s…
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GameStop Black Friday Ad Leak Shows Zelda 3DS North American Release
According to GottaDeal.com, the self-proclaimed one-stop shop for all your Black Friday sales and circular ads, the recently leaked GameStop sales leaflet touts the The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Two Worlds 3DS XL Bundle as one of their Black Friday deals. If this proves to be true, that means the snazy Zelda-themed 3DS will most certainly be available Stateside, and not just a Japan and Europe exclusive. The asking price is $219.99, and comes with the beautiful,…
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Ridge Racer 3D
Ridge Racer 3D - now over a couple of years old - is staunch reminder of two things. First, arcade racers are awesome. More titles should drop the realism and rap music of recent racing titles and should instead employ someone to shout down the speakers at you.
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Mario Tennis Open Review
Mario has long enjoyed a wide variety of spin-offs. Best known is Mario Kart, although the little plumber that could has never been completely tied to to the racetrack. This tradition of allowing an untrained fat man to star in various sporting events continues with Mario Tennis Open for the 3DS.
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“Pokken Fighters” is Concept of Pokemon Future
At a Japanese event not too long ago, there was a video showing the history of the Pokemon franchise. It was a fairly well made video, but probably wouldn't have have mattered nearly as much if not for a short two or three second clip at the end, which showed an almost fighter-like set-up starring Lucario.
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Project X Zone Review
Project X Zone should perhaps win the award for the most exciting game with the least descriptive, least exciting name. It sounds like a fantasy extreme sports simulator, like Dead Ball Zone or something of that kin. And yet, behind the name there lies not only a cross-over project perhaps unrivalled in gaming - only beat perhaps by The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen elsewhere - but a decent tactical RPG that will suck you into the genre whether you have prior experience.
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New Releases this week | Sept 16th – 22nd 2013
Finally! GTAV is mere hours away from releasing worldwide. Are you excited? Are you one of the lucky few who got it early? Needless to say, it's my most anticipated game since.. well since GTAIV I suppose. Still though, let's not forget all those other releases this week too. Hot Wheels, PES 2014 and Zelda HD are just some of the games brave enough to release this week.
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