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Tomodachi Life Review

When Nintendo releases a game, it is generally a normal experience. At the worst, it's perhaps a Mario game with a twist, ala Mario Galaxy. However, Nintendo's latest release - yes, this game has been available in Japan for over a year - is completely off the wall. For a title that does so little, Tomodachi Life is insanely addicting, witty, and often downright strange. It does, however, deserve your attention!

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New Characters Announced for Smash Bros: Miis and Lady Palutena

Although it does not come as much of a surprise, Nintendo announced today that Miis are coming to Super Smash Bros. However, what was surprising is the level of customization available, and that Miis will be competitive when going head to head with some of Nintendo's finest!

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Nintendo Shows off Amiibo

Everyone knew that Nintendo was bringing NFC figures to E3, but they official gave them a name: Amiibo. What sets Amiibo apart? Essentially, these toys will be used across a variety of different titles. Developers will determine how they will be used. The figures will evolve over time, and will have stats based on how you use them.

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Mario Maker leaked from Nintendo’s E3?

The big three - Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony - do their best to keep all their E3 announcements as close to the vest as possible. The end goal: have as few leaked announcements as possible. Unfortunately, it appears as if at least one Nintendo title has been spoiled.

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Natsume’s Harvest Moon Getting New Title(s)

Natsume, the company behind the Harvest Moon series which has graced numerous platforms, announced that they would be showing off three new Nintendo titles at E3. Little more was said, with no hints at whether or not these would be for 3DS or Wii U, or whether these were new franchises or not. Either way, a new Harvest Moon game would be very welcome!

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What We Could See, Will See, and Won’t See for Wii U at E3 2014

E3 is approaching fast, and with only a little over a week until day 1, I decided I should get my Nintendo E3 predictions out there. Be warned: I have not canvassed the Internet to find what Nintendo is for sure announcing, and I definitely did not attempt to pass off the predictions of others as my own.

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Chibi-Robo Photo Finder Review

Nintendo is a financial powerhouse in the console and software business, regardless of how poor they have done lately. This is built off the backs of strong franchises such as Mario and Zelda. However, Nintendo does experiment with other intellectual properties, whether in a direct development role, or in a lesser role as a producer.

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Pokemon Battle Trozei Review

If you've never heard of Candy Crush Saga then you might live under a rock. Match 3 games are insanely popular, and have for the most part taken over Facebook and mobile. So, why shouldn't Nintendo attempt to profit from the craze? They did, and paired it with one of their most popular franchises, Pokemon.

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Nintendo Finances Still Fall Ahead of Juggernaut Releases

We haven't come to a point yet where headlines can read, "Wii U is Dead" despite claims from many that this is indeed the case. However, if Nintendo's finances do not improve in the Wii U division after the release of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros, perhaps this what all major news outlets will be saying.

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Nintendo Announce Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Remakes

Nintendo have today announced Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, a set of remakes for both the 2DS and 3DS. There's been a lot of hints in recent months that new and fresh versions of the GBA classics would be on their way - including references in Pokemon X and Y - but it's great to see that it's finally official.

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