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Nintendo 3DS Categories


Nintendo of Canada Calls November 21st Nintendo Day!

Nintendo Day 2014 is appropriately named. For Nintendo of Canada fans, November 21st isn't just a chance to play some of the latest Nintendo games and the yet to be released Amiibo figures at multiple events across the country, but it is also the same day that Pokemon Omega Ruby, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, and Super Smash Bros Wii U hits retail and the Nintendo eShop.

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Loot Crate going Nintendo this Holiday with Amiibo

So, Amiibos are coming in at a hefty 13.99. I would argue they are comparable physically to the 9.99 Skylanders, although you could argue the technology in the Amiibo is substantially more complicated. Regardless, many Nintendo fans will want a bunch of the Amiibos that will be hitting store shelves soon, but the price could hold people back, especially since the use of some of these Amiibos is very, very limited.

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November 5th Nintendo Direct

Nintendo continues to do these random online streams to show off their content. Overtime, I've gone from hating these little videos to loving them. They are generally always great and packed with content, both announced and unannounced. The purpose of the most recent Nintendo Direct was to look at games coming out in 2014 and through Spring 2015.

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Do You Care about Nintendo 3DS Region Lock?

We all know that beautiful New 3DS and New 3DS XL will be coming to the west in 2015. We just weren't sure if it was going to be region locked, a practice which most hardware makers are passing on now. Well, not surprisingly, Nintendo has no plans to ditch region locking.

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A Trip to Nintendo Of Canada and I Now Understand Amiibo

If you have no idea what Amiibo is or why you should be excited about it, you probably are not alone. I was in the same boat. Sure, I had seen all the videos and images, but I wasn't 100% sure what purpose they were going to serve. Obviously, it was going to be implemented with the launch of Super Smash Bros, and would be compatible with Mario Kart. Aside from that, I didn't know much else.

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Nintendo is going Down the DLC on the Disc Road

Nintendo's move towards DLC has been surprisingly great. Their content is aaggressively priced, generally making it hard not to purchase it when available. I assumed the Mario Kart 8 packs would come in at 12-14$ each, but fortunately that isn't the case. What Nintendo hasn't done - until now that is - is do the number one thing gamers hate about DLC.

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More Download Features coming to Nintendo Products

A few weeks ago I wrote an article about Nintendo's new download options. Most interesting was the ability (finally) to download games from a computer and push them to your Wii U. This was great, and frankly overdue. What wasn't announced at that time was a pre-download option for digital title. Apparently Nintendo is ready to deliver that as well.

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Fantasy Life Review

Fantasy Life really is a fantasy. But it's a good fantasy, and one that will take up a lot of your time. It's not everyday you get to swap between 12 different occupations, ranging from fighting to crafting to gathering, but in this charming and addictive title from Level-5, you can. Although the game struggles with some pacing issues throughout, the overall charm and depth of the game makes the smaller issues seem unimportant.

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Getting the Pokemon Demo is a Good Idea

Get the Pokemon demo. Do whatever you have to do, but get the demo. This especially goes for anyone looking for that little extra advantage when the game launches on November 21st. The demo, while short, is packed with unlockables that will transfer over to the new game. I've played through the demo six times, and here is what I think.

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Nintendo Embracing Demos with Upcoming Pokemon Titles

Demo's are not something Nintendo has done in the past, but with the Wii U and 3DS, it appears as if almost every AAA title will receive some kind of demo. Yes, the demo's are hampered by one major problem: limits on the number of times you can play. Regardless, it is nice to try something ahead of release. This time around, the demo is for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. There are a number of ways to get codes for this demo, outlined below.

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