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New PDP Pull-N-Go Cases Available Now – Tom Nook, Mario & Link

A few weeks ago, we took a look at the Performance Design Products (PDP) Pull-N-Go storage and travel case which allows folks to store their dock, cables, switch, and more in a two part case. The bottom half will hold your dock and cables, along with additional controllers and more, while the top portion holds the Switch, attached Joy-Con, and games. Detaching the Velcro from the top case will allow you to "Pull" your Switch off "N-Go!"

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Hands on History – 28 Unlockable Videos for Age Of Empires 4

During their pre-Gamescom presentation, Xbox gave us an even deeper look at Age of Empires 4, and highlighted a series of unlockable videos that would show various aspects of how civilizations ruled the world in the past. Here is more from the Xbox Wire:

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When Will Nintendo Develop a New Mario And Luigi Title?

It is safe to say that Nintendo has moved to their one-console ecosystem, proving at home entertainment and on-the-go fun in one great package, the Nintendo Switch. And this hybrid console has paid off in spades, selling nearly 90 million units since 2017. Not too shabby. This transition away from the 3DS and the rest of their handheld library has begged one important question: when do the exclusive handheld franchises land on the Switch?

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Yo-Kai Watch Translation Project: Chapter Three

After picking up a few powerful Yo-Kai to set our parents straight in Chapter 2, we head out on the town in Chapter 3 to stop seals from opening and allowing dangerous Yo-Kai into Springdale! Join us as Whisper chants random stuff to close seals, and so much more!

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Yo-Kai Watch Translation Project: Chapter Four

In the previous Chapter of Yo-Kai Watch, we worked to close the seals that kept evil Yo-Kai out of Springdale, hopefully stopping the impending doom that seemed to hover over the city. While we were able to close the Seals at the Post Office, the Bank, the Community Centre, and the Elementary School, I'm not completely positive we've stopped the pending doom from spreading. In Chapter Four, we learn about upgrading our Yo-Kai Watch by our good friend Mortimer Goodsight, who has an odd request for us - can we go fetch is undies from the spa?

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Road 96

You shouldn’t hitchhike in real life. Its dangerous. But if you want to hitchhike in a game, then you should check out Road 96 on the Nintendo Switch! You never know where this road will take you! Here is our review. Road 96 is a first person adventure game where you play a hitchhiking teenager. Actually you play more than one hitchhiking teenager! As the story progresses, you’ll find yourself reaching the end of one teenagers journey and moving onto…

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Siege of Paris DLC Review

While some folks became tired with the world and characters of Valhalla after a few dozen hours, I can't stop going back. It's been well over 75 hours for me in this Assassin's Creed World, and it's shaping up to be one of my favourite in the series. Thankfully, Ubisoft has done a fantastic job of supporting the game post launch with tons of DLC, the most recent being the Siege of Paris.

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Yo-Kai Watch Translation Project: Chapter Two

Welcome back to our Yo-Kai Watch translation project, where we provide you with every line of in-game story text in English. Since Yo-Kai Watch is only on Nintendo Switch in Japanese, we felt that providing a video with the translation, as well as the translated text down below, would be helpful!

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Tales of Arise Demo Available on PS5 and Xbox Series X

If you are looking forward to the next Tales game from Bandai Namco, you are in luck! Leading into the games pending launch, fans can jump into a demo of the game, featuring a decent sized area to explore, numerous monsters to battle, and a mini boss fight! We really enjoyed the demo, and wanted to share a few thoughts!

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Cris Tales Stadia Review

Coming from indie developer Dreams Uncorporated is the charming JRPG, Cris Tales. With a striking art style and exciting storyline, Cris Tales looks to breathe new life into the well-established JRPG genre. Not an easy feat to do, in a niche that so many people are passionate about, and one that has been the muse of many a dev before. Can this indie title carve a spot for itself in the esteemed world of timeless JRPGs, or will it be buried in the mountain of games that just didn't quite hit the mark? Let's dive in and take a look!

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