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John Carmark Comments on Facebook Oculus Acquisition

There's been a lot of anger over Facebook's purchase of Oculus Rift. Some of it has been valid, some of it has been less valid, but all of it's been loud. Some of those talking have no more knowledge of the situation than can be gleamed from The Social Network, so it's nice to see that someone closer to the scene has had something to say. John Carmack, legendary coder and a big part of the Oculus project, has finally spoken about the Oculus acquisition.

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GameStop Says New Generation Doing Better than Expected

Retailer GameStop reckons the new generation has been better than anybody could have expected, going so far as to outsell the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in store in their first 15 months on the market. Hardware sales were actually higher than anybody had hoped over the Christmas period, although software sales dropped. That's perhaps to be expected, if people are going out and buying new hardware.

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The Last of Us is Coming to PS4

The Last of Us has been teased for PlayStation 4 multiple times since the console was released at the end of last year. It's no surprise either. The game was great, but suffered from some graphical issues as a result of it being made for old hardware. Naughty Dog did an absolutely amazing job hiding that fact, but occasional frame rate drops and odd lighting proved a next-gen version would be so much better. It seems that it might be happening, and sooner rather than later.

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PS4 up 50.00 for Canadian Retailer

Many years ago when there was a huge discrepancy between the value of the Canadian and US dollar, games and consoles in Canada were significantly more expensive then the United States. However, over the last generation, the Canadian-US dollar has almost been at par because of a failing US economy coupled with a strong Canadian economy.

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April PlayStation Plus Content Leaks

Sony Asia have once again announced the upcoming games for their PlayStation Plus content, most of which end up being exactly the same as the EU stuff. There's a nice mixture of titles this month across all platforms, certainly enough to keep most people happy until May.

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Facebook Buys Oculus Rift

Sometimes a news story comes along that's so completely surprising that you actually do a double take. This is one of those stories. Facebook have announced that it plans to acquire the virtual reality company Oculus Rift for $2 billion. Although Zuckerberg, in the post announcing the deal, say he doesn't plan to change the current gaming focus for the Rift, fans of the device have become upset and angry over the acquisition.

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The Walking Dead Season 2 Coming Soon to Vita?

The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1 made it to a variety of platforms late last year and the second episode became available in February. Despite that, there's still not been much in the way of talk about the Vita version. Those that wanted to make difficult moral decisions concerning zombies while in the bathroom or on the bus were flat out of luck. That seems like it's about to change.

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EA Register Battlefield 5 Beta Site

Think Battlefield 4 is underwhelming? No need to worry - Battlefield 5 is on its way. That's not surprising though, there was never any reason to doubt EA would be bringing back their flagship shooter franchise. The question is how soon? Well, whatever happens, they're definitely keeping their options open, and have already registered the website for the Battlefield 5 beta site,

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Ground Zeroes PS4 Sells Almost Three Times Xbox One Version

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a decent title, although the price doesn't quite match the amount of content on offer (our full review is coming later today). That hasn't stopped it being a pretty successful seller though, hitting second place in the charts behind Infamous: Second Son. The fact that it's had a fairly exciting launch isn't really the most interesting thing about its release though. For that, you'll need to look closer.

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Far Cry 4 Coming 2015, Set in Himalayas

Eurogamer have leaked information on the next Far Cry game, confirming that it'll be very similar to Far Cry 3 but set in a snowier region. Far Cry 4 has been no secret, and was revealed by Ubisoft almost as soon as Far Cry 3 was released, although specific details have yet to be released. With this new leak, we've learnt an awful lot about the next title in the franchise, including when we're likely to catch out first glimpse.

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