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New Mario Kart Video Displays Crazy Upside Down Racing

Nintendo succeeded in impressing an awful lot of people with Mario Kart 8. Not only does the gameplay look strong and original, but the addition of a bonus digital title with every purchase makes it a bargain on any level. Not to waste even a small part of that excitement, they've today released a brand new video showcasing the biggest change coming to the franchise: anti-gravity racing.

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It’s a shame Microsoft have lost Confidence in Kinect

Kinect was always going to have a tough time proving itself. The original failed because it was an optional peripheral that didn't do what Microsoft claimed it could and didn't even approach its actual potential, and with the announcement that an Xbox One will be released without Kinect 2.0, the second iteration of the device looks set to go the same way.

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Gold Requirement for Netflix Being Removed from Xbox One/360

One of the biggest problems with Xbox Live Gold was that not subscribing to the service blocked the use of Netflix. Think about that for a moment. You needed to pay an internet bill to make use out of paying for Netflix, but if your only access to the service was through your console, you needed to pay to remove yet another barrier. Thankfully that's something Microsoft are changing in the coming months.

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Nintendo to Follow Skylanders and Disney Infinity

In mid April, news came out that Nintendo had the opportunity to have exclusivity for Skylanders, but decided to pass on that offer. Well, a few years later it appears as if Nintendo's mind has changed when it comes to interactive toys. According to Wire, via a twitpic, Nintendo is set to announce their own game and character collection at E3 this year. Nintendo confirmed that they were working on figurines during an investor call late last week, although didn't announce anything specific.

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Red Dead Redemption Coming to PC?

Red Dead Redemption was one of the best games of the last generation, but one thing was missing. Rockstar never bothered to bring it to the PC, despite almost every other one of their games coming to Steam. Even Grand Theft Auto V is heavily rumoured to be on its way, but still no word on John Marsten. That might be about to change.

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Last of Us PS4 Port “Was Hell”

The Last of Us is coming to PlayStation 4, and it wasn't at all unexpected. Regardless, it wasn't as easy as people might think considering it'll have taken about a year to come to shelves. How bad? Neil Druckmann, in an interview with EDGE, said that Naughty Dog "expected it to be Hell, and it was Hell."

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Nintendo Finances Still Fall Ahead of Juggernaut Releases

We haven't come to a point yet where headlines can read, "Wii U is Dead" despite claims from many that this is indeed the case. However, if Nintendo's finances do not improve in the Wii U division after the release of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros, perhaps this what all major news outlets will be saying.

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Fan Creates Custom Zelda Controller… For The PS3

It's not unusual for the crafty sort to paint controllers or even consoles, and there's some really amazing stuff out there. The Legend of Zelda is a regular source for fans, and we've all seen custom Wiis, Gamecubes, controllers and Gameboys masked with Gorons, fairies and Zoras. Less usual is to find Zelda-releated fan art on PlayStation products, but one person has bucked expectation.

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Nintendo Announce Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Remakes

Nintendo have today announced Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, a set of remakes for both the 2DS and 3DS. There's been a lot of hints in recent months that new and fresh versions of the GBA classics would be on their way - including references in Pokemon X and Y - but it's great to see that it's finally official.

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Ubisoft Didn’t Interfere in Child of Light Development

It's a well believed idea that major publishers hate originality and that they'll take a direct hand in development if they don't like the direction a game is going. While that may well happen, Child of Light writer Jeffrey Yohalem was surprised to find Ubisoft was nothing but supportive of his fairy tale RPG.

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