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UK Consumers Paying More for Gadgets… Even Excluding Tax

Thinking of buying a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One this year? If you happen to be living in the UK, there's a good chance that you're going to get ripped off. It's almost certain that you'll end up paying upwards of £57 more than you would if you bought the console in the United States, and that's before you add tax.

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Don’t Own a Wii U? It’s No Longer Nintendo’s Fault

The excuses for why people don't already own a Wii U are become outdated, and frankly, untrue. Everything from "there aren't enough quality games" to "it is too expensive" are two of the most oft used excuses. It's time to realize that the time to buy a Wii U might finally be here.

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Petition Started to Bring Metal Gear Solid HD Collection to PC

Hundreds of dedicated Metal Gear Solid fans have signed a petition to bring the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection to PC. People around the world are adding their name to the list hoping to bring some of the most celebrated narrative franchises to Steam.

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Could Super Smash Bros U Be Better than Melee?

Everybody's excited for the next entry in the Super Smash Bros franchise, and that's in a huge part thanks to the character and location reveals so far. But there's one question that's yet to be answered: could it be even better that Melee? And while we're trying to answer that, we'll also take a look at a few more characters that might well appear in the roster.

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The Phantom Pain Release Date Leaked?

Once they'd calmed down from the drama that was Ground Zeroes and its status as a glorified demo, fans of the Metal Gear Solid franchise were hungry for more. Unfortunately, a release date for The Phantom Pain hasn't been announced - until today. An article by The Guardian accidentally spilled the beans on exactly when you might be able to get your hands on Big Boss's next adventure, but they were incredibly quick to remove the reference.

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Smash Brothers Recap – All the Announcements from the last few Weeks

Super Smash Bros. news seems to be pouring in from everywhere lately. From EVO 2014 to the Nintendo Digital events, we just can’t get enough of Super Smash. Let’s recap some of the biggest news to happen recently in the Smash Brothers universe.

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Russian TV News Use MGS V Image for piece on Child Soldiers

A Russian TV news channel has earlier this week used a series of images from Metal Gear Solid V in a conversation on child soldiers. Sophie Shevardnadze and the Russia Today network ran the images as part of an interview with child soldiers, seemingly unaware that they're computer generated.

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Square Enix Send Cease and Desist to Type-0 Fan Translators

Well, it wasn't hard to see this one coming. Square Enix, after announcing that they'll be bringing Final Fantasy Type-0 westward via the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, have decided to shut down the fan translation of the original game that has been going on for some time and was incredibly near completion. The question isn't why they've done it, but how on earth Square Enix didn't contact them six months ago when the official project began.

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Mass Effect 4 Survey has received “Overwhelming Response”

After the fanbase-splitting ending to Mass Effect 3, a survey concerning the future of the franchise was always going to bring out people who wanted their opinions heard. While it's hard to envy the guy that has to go through it all over the coming months, one thing is certain: there have been an awful lot of responses.

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Club Nintendo Has Dropped the Ball in North America

Club Nintendo is an excellent way for Nintendo to keep track of what people think about their games. If you are unfamiliar, Club Nintendo awards gamers points (in North America, they are called coins and in Europe, stars) for purchasing games. In North America, most Wii U games are worth 50-60 coins each with an extra 10 coins awarded when doing a post-play survery - while 3DS games are worth 30-40, with an extra 5 coins for doing the post-play survey. The system is actually great, especially since nothing is forcing Nintendo from giving away free stuff.

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