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#GamerGate Indie Dev Talks Goals, Harrassment and Feminism

One of the biggest problems with the #GamerGate controversy is that it's all being said in 140 characters or less. Add in two or three people, and the conversation almost boils down to individual words. This isn't a good way of discussing what is a complicated issue, so I took to Twitter, asking for people on both sides to come forward in the hopes that we could record an interview to find some sort of middle ground. Although several #GamerGate supporters got in touch, we received no volunteers for the anti side of the debate.

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Mortal Kombat X Release Date Announced

Warner Brothers have announced today that they'll be bringing Mortal Kombat X to PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on April 14th, 2015. Considering it was only officially announced quite recently, this will be fantastic news for those that were worried about the wait.

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#GamerGate Supporters Begin Emailing Publisher PR

#GamerGate is still going strong, with thousands of people adding their two cents to the discussion on Twitter and beyond. In some places, like The Escapist and the wider Defy Media network, this is having a great effect, and supporters of those bloggers interested in insulting the gaming community are starting to find their allies falling by the wayside. So far, the hashtag supporters have approached ad providers and other readers, but now they're looking at things from the other direction: they're contacting the PR people who represent the biggest companies ...

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Journalists: Ignore #GamerGate and #NotYourShield at your Peril

The story behind #GamerGate and #NotYourShield is tough to pin down exactly, because there's various origins depending on who you ask. It's either the cruel march of the misogynists, a group of white men tired of having to share their entertainment space with a set of fragile girls and "people of colour" who just want to have a tiny corner of the industry to call their own, or it's a demonstration of how the gaming industry is already a melting pot of ideas, and that this is some attempt at an acknowledgement of a press that has tried to distort the facts to ...

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Christina Hoff Sommers Weighs in on #Gamergate, is Run Down by Gawker Journalist

Christina Hoff Sommers is the feminist that feminists love to hate thanks to her fact-based criticisms of what the movement has become. She's regularly attacked via social media by people who disagree with her generally reasonable views. Her latest controversy? Daring to suggest that gamers just might be people, something Gawker journalist Adam Weinstein strongly disagrees with.

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The Witcher 3 Preview

While it's still a few months until The Witcher 3 reviews release and we're able to see whether it can live up to the hype, so far it seems it more than deserves it. The things CD Projekt are trying out will bring in a whole new wave of excitement among fans of the RPG genre, especially on consoles, where fantasy settings have been a bit few and far between. The only question is whether or not they'll be able to actually pull it off.

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PlayStation fans might “Make a Fuss” about Announcement on Monday

An announcement coming Monday may just cause PlayStation fans to "make a fuss," a Famitsu editor said yesterday. Although he didn't offer much else to go on, the implication that it's going to be exclusive to one or more of the PlayStation devices is sure to capture the attention of those interested in Japanese titles.

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New Nintendo 3DS Coming to Japan October 11

Nintendo never ceases to amaze me. After huge DLC new for Mario Kart earlier this week, Nintendo continued their strong end to August with a Japanese Nintendo direct where they announced a new 3DS with a ton of new features.

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Is your PS4 using the full potential of your TV?

Issues with the way your PS4 connects to your TV might mean that you're not getting the full benefit of your telly's colour range. While not all makes and models are going to have issues, it seems that you might not be getting the full graphical potential. Thankfully there's a simple fix that'll sort the problem in seconds.

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Forza Horizon 2: Team Races Club Division Explained

Imagine that your Forza Horizon 2 Club decides to head into team racing and you come across a team smaller than your own. What happens? Does the game split up your Club despite the fact that you'll all be scoring points towards the same goal? Does the race go ahead unevenly, sacrificing fairness for overall scoring purposes? Thankfully, neither of these options are true, as explained by Ian Webster of Team 10 earlier today.

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