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SEGA Ports Petition Attracts 12,000

PC gaming never really died, despite a lot of conversation to the contrary. No, it was just that certain publishers forgot that there were a lot of waiting fans interested in playing the latest console release on their PC. That's now changed, with franchises like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy hitting Steam on an almost weekly basis. No doubt spurned on by recent successes, a large group of gamers are campaigning to have SEGA release titles like Valkyria Chronicles on the PC, and they're getting a lot of support.

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Sleeping Dogs Definitive Unplayable in Germany

Sleeping Dogs is getting an improved release on new gen consoles and PC. Sleeping Dogs Definitive contains improved graphics and all previously released DLC. In Germany, however, this is all completely useless, as the game isn't actually able to start.

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Nintendo is Prepared to deal with Quitters in Super Smash Bros

There is nothing worse in online games than someone who rage quits. It sucks when playing sports games especially since games are generally one-on-one; it is less of an issue with first person shooter titles as the game will just get repopulated with another player. Super Smash Bros, both for the 3DS and Wii U, falls into the former. If one of four players quits, the game is altered for the worst.

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State of Decay Sells Two Million

Zombie survival title State of Decay has sold two million copies across both Steam and Xbox Live. Although it's been out for quite some time, re-releases and sales prove that it's still lurching slowly forwards.

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Buying Games on Launch Day: Do you do it?

When I was younger and lacked any real responsibilities, I was fairly free with my money. When the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker came out on GameCube, I bought it on day one. When Halo and Halo 2 launched, I bought both those games on launch day. Things have changed, at least for myself, but I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting older, or if in general, people are not buying games on launch day like they use to.

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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Pre-Orders Drop

The death of an industry legend is being reported at multiple sites this evening after an industry analyst revealed that the pre-orders for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare have plummeted compared to last year's Call of Duty: Ghosts. Wishful thinking aside, it's probably still not the death of CoD, and the franchise will still continue to sell more than your favourite games for quite some time to come.

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TotalBiscuit Reveals Shady Shadow of Mordor Review Code Deal

With #GamerGate still seeing quite a lot of attention, you'd have thought that developers would try to keep less-than-perfect practises hidden from the general public. Perhaps - in an ideal world - they'd even try to do things by the book, even if just until the controversy has died down. It hasn't happened though, and YouTuber TotalBiscuit has revealed that he was only offered Shadow of Mordor code in return for a paid branding deal.

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Ex-Dice Employee: “Don’t Buy Battlefield Hardline at Launch!”

It's not uncommon for ex-employees to voice opinions about their previous employer and the projects they are working on. Via an As Me Anything (AMA) on Reddit this week, we were able to hear what ex-Dice designer Tim Kjell had to say about the Battlefield franchise. His opinion: don't buy Battlefield Hardline at launch.

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Godzilla PS3 TGS Gameplay Released

Other than a fairly decent web-based shooter (with no shooting), Godzilla hasn't been in a video game for an awfully long time. That is about to change, with a PS3 title coming out in Japan later this year, and likely worldwide. This week the publisher, Bandai Namco, released some gameplay footage to show exactly what we can expect from the title.

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Super Smash Bros Wii U Controller Bundle Surfaces

Amazon is often at the forefront of showing off products first. Today, a Super Smash Bros Wii U game bundle, which includes the game, controller, and controller attachment, has been listed on the site for 99.99. While no official release date has been announced by Nintendo, I think it is safe to say we will still be seeing this title before the holidays.

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